Answering questions on Quora

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Answering questions on Quora

Nový příspěvek od simgiran »

I started checking questions regarding pedophilia on Quora. I think answering those questions can be a good way to challenge prejudices against pedophiles. Finding the recent questions isn't very intuitive so I am posting links here:

You may share interesting questions and detailed answers here.
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Re: Answering questions on Quora

Nový příspěvek od H6*7x7y$An »

simgiran píše:I started checking questions regarding pedophilia on Quora. I think answering those questions can be a good way to challenge prejudices against pedophiles. Finding the recent questions isn't very intuitive so I am posting links here:

You may share interesting questions and detailed answers here.
This is a good lead.

One or more of us should systematically answer and smash as many of these nonsense questions as possible.

We notice that almost all the questions in the list already assume that pedophilia is bad. They never consider that children love adults sexually.

Answering these questions with correct information is part of a public outreach strategy. It is like planting seeds that will not bear fruit for decades or generations. But it is still one good part of a war we must fight on many fronts.