Is pedophilia only problem of men?

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George Washington jr.

Is pedophilia only problem of men?

Nový příspěvek od George Washington jr. »

Women pedophiles.
It is an interesting case, problem.
Pedophilia is assigned to men.
Are men are more ? how to say it? perverted or may be more opened to different kinds of love?
What you think.
Kofola Nizozemi
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Re: Is pedophilia only problem of men?

Nový příspěvek od Kofola Nizozemi »

George Washington jr. píše:Women pedophiles.
It is an interesting case, problem.
Pedophilia is assigned to men.
Are men are more ? how to say it? perverted or may be more opened to different kinds of love?
What you think.
Pedophilia is not a problem.

I have no idea if I should call myself pedophile. I just like young girls, like almost all men do. Nothing special about that actually. *heart*

And also many women like young boys (or sometimes young girls). Just noone notices it.


Anyway, spring is coming, time to go the beach, too bad Czech Rep. doesn't have a beach, but they have many beautyfull lakes and the Labem or Orlici.

Ljoebov i vesna. Love and spring. :D
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George Washington jr.

Re: Is pedophilia only problem of men?

Nový příspěvek od George Washington jr. »

Kofola píše:Pedophilia is not a problem.
Pedophilia is not a problem for You and for me.
But it is a problem for society.
So it is a problem for us because we must live in society who has problem with us.
The best thing would be if the society was indifferent towards us, but it is not.
Do you care if your neighbour sleeps with his dog or a woman of 89 years old?
I do not care!
So leave me alone and do not interest who I am in love with.
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Gabriel Svoboda
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Re: Is pedophilia only problem of men?

Nový příspěvek od Gabriel Svoboda »

There are female pedophiles, too, but the society (often including the female pedophile herself) thinks it is maternal love.
 ! Zpráva od: Tým ČEPEK
Upozornění: Tento uživatel je na trestné lavici, jelikož se jeho chování neslučovalo se základními principy Československé pedofilní komunity. V zájmu zachování kontinuity diskuzí příspěvky zablokovaných uživatelů nemažeme.
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George W. junior

Re: Is pedophilia only problem of men?

Nový příspěvek od George W. junior »

So why do they not think that if a man loves a child it is not a paternal love?
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Re: Is pedophilia only problem of men?

Nový příspěvek od Livrey »

Because is old stereotype that women should take care of children, not men. (Still some people think all women should stay in a kitchen, take care of house and their children. And men should make career and earn money.)
But it is changing and people are more open minded (e.g. toward dads at a "maternity" leave) :)
And I'm a girl and I'm paedophil and I know I'm not the only one :)
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Re: Is pedophilia only problem of men?

Nový příspěvek od MariaMom »

George Washington jr. píše: úterý 15. 3. 2016, 20:48:18 Women pedophiles.
It is an interesting case, problem.
Pedophilia is assigned to men.
Are men are more ? how to say it? perverted or may be more opened to different kinds of love?
What you think.
I am a female, mother, and pedophile. I only problem I have with that is the society and norms. I don't think men are more "perverted" than females. You also have to define Perverted, what is that ??