Re: New law requiring marking on sex offender passports

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Re: New law requiring marking on sex offender passports

Nový příspěvek od Myš »

A civil rights group for accused and convicted sex offenders is challenging legislation that President Barack Obama signed into law on Monday, which will require the State Department to affix an identifying marker to registered sex offenders’ passports.

USA has a great tactics in separating sex offenders from the rest of the society...
Naposledy upravil(a) Marco Freeman dne pátek 3. 6. 2016, 10:42:59, celkem upraveno 1 x.
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Re: New law requiring marking on sex offender passports

Nový příspěvek od H6*7x7y$An »

Myš píše:
A civil rights group for accused and convicted sex offenders is challenging legislation that President Barack Obama signed into law on Monday, which will require the State Department to affix an identifying marker to registered sex offenders’ passports.

USA has a great tactics in separating sex offenders from the rest of the society...
MAPs should develop some great tactics to **** ** the USA.
Naposledy upravil(a) Marco Freeman dne pátek 3. 6. 2016, 10:45:00, celkem upraveno 1 x.
Důvod: A swear-word has been deleted. Please, don't use the swear-words. Thanks.