L'amour impossible?

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George Washington jr.

L'amour impossible?

Nový příspěvek od George Washington jr. »

Opponents of pedophilia believe that it is impossible - love between a strange adult and a child.
What is your opinion?
Does a child can love a complete stranger?
For example a teacher?
I think that it can.
But this imposes a great responsibility on the adult.
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Re: L'amour impossible?

Nový příspěvek od Návštěvník »

Kasz is a teacher so he is in a comfortable situation.
But is he really?
He probably must restrain from all warm gestures towards children. To not to be perceived as a predator.
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Re: L'amour impossible?

Nový příspěvek od Kasz »

I do not need to show "warm gestures" towards children because I have girlfriend that I love.
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Re: L'amour impossible?

Nový příspěvek od Myš »

Showing "warm gestures" towards children is part of my job. And since it's a part of my job noone cares and people actually view it as nice that I have a warm relantionship with children. However it's something not compatible with every job involving children or every circumstance.

Back to your question, yes, I do think there's something like intergenerational love, love between a child and an adult to be precise. But it depends on your view of love and we musn't comfuse such a relationship with the ones adults have since a child's perception of such a relationship is naturally quite different than the perception of an adult. What I've experienced is a deep sense of friendship or even brotherhood and it stayed like that eventhough I was in love.
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George W. junior

Re: L'amour impossible?

Nový příspěvek od George W. junior »

"a child's perception of such a relationship is naturally quite different than the perception of an adult."
Experts say that pedophiles ,true pedophiles, have a special personality which helps them or allows them to see the world through the eyes of the child.
They do not perceive the world as "normal" adults. Their sexuality is immature.
Let us consider, Lewis Carroll!
They are voyeurs or exhibitionists like children.
In the worst case, they like to touch, kiss or stroke.
Pedophiles are like children.
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Re: L'amour impossible?

Nový příspěvek od H6*7x7y$An »

George Washington jr. píše:Opponents of pedophilia believe that it is impossible - love between a strange adult and a child.
What is your opinion?
Does a child can love a complete stranger?
For example a teacher?
I think that it can.
But this imposes a great responsibility on the adult.
No one loves a complete stranger. We just don't see how fast a child can know that a person is their friend.