Registry of pedophiles in Poland
Registry of pedophiles in Poland
Polish minister of justice Patryk Jaki has announced today that Poland is preparing a law on the publicly accesible register of pedophiles.
Naposledy upravil(a) Kasz dne pondělí 14. 12. 2015, 12:56:47, celkem upraveno 1 x.
Důvod: Topic renamed
Důvod: Topic renamed
Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
Small correction. Jaki is a vice minister.
And in Poland , of course, there is no distinction between a pedophile and a child molester.
Although the definition of "child molester" is debatable.
And in Poland , of course, there is no distinction between a pedophile and a child molester.
Although the definition of "child molester" is debatable.
Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
A minister of justice in Poland is a "horrible" Zbigniew Ziobro.
But , interesting, he says about "dangerous" paedophiles.
"Dangerous" paedophile is a recidivist and someone who can hurt a child.
So, logically, there are benevolent paedophiles , who do not hurt children.
Who are they?
But , interesting, he says about "dangerous" paedophiles.
"Dangerous" paedophile is a recidivist and someone who can hurt a child.
So, logically, there are benevolent paedophiles , who do not hurt children.
Who are they?
Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
It is not a bad idea to be registered.
I think that You are not against it.
For example Daniel by the film is registered.
I think that You are not against it.
For example Daniel by the film is registered.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
Registry of pedophiles is bad idea and Daniel is not registered, Daniel is in evidence of 1 sexologist, and this evidence is not accessible by people or police.
Československá pedofilní komunita – již 13 let s Vámi! 

Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
But only criminal pedophiles would be registered.
Those who were sentenced by the court.
In Poland nobody will do "coming out" that he is a pedo, as Daniel did.
I wonder what would happened if somebody, in Poland, went to the police station and said - I am a pedophile but I did not sleep with a child.
Whether minister Ziobro will order to register such a man?
But what with treatment?
Pedophiles in Poland will be avoiding doctors in fear that they report them to the police.
Those who were sentenced by the court.
In Poland nobody will do "coming out" that he is a pedo, as Daniel did.
I wonder what would happened if somebody, in Poland, went to the police station and said - I am a pedophile but I did not sleep with a child.
Whether minister Ziobro will order to register such a man?
But what with treatment?
Pedophiles in Poland will be avoiding doctors in fear that they report them to the police.
Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
I am appalled that Poland has no substantive discussion on this topic.
Polish sexologists remain silent.
One of the ex polish ministers said that "Poland is a wild country" , which meant
uncivilized. And he was right.
Kofola and I we have one common feature.
We complain about our countries.
But the Netherlands and Poland were once quite other countries. They were more pedophile friendly.
Polish sexologists remain silent.
One of the ex polish ministers said that "Poland is a wild country" , which meant
uncivilized. And he was right.
Kofola and I we have one common feature.
We complain about our countries.
But the Netherlands and Poland were once quite other countries. They were more pedophile friendly.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
Its wrong. "Marking" paedophile even sentenced by scourt:
1. Punishing him for the second time! (after prison etc.)
2. Reduces the chance of his integrating in society. (increases chance or push him to further crime..)
3. do not help to enyone prevent molesting... (there is statistically low chance get molester by once captured and cured molester, and even if he is no curred, he can trvel anyvhere where nobody knows him..)
4. in time this always leeds to adding other people with other "sins" into index or make new indexes (for examle for judes or blacks or someone with different political opinion "?
5. can lead to lynching innocent people... (already happened in USA)
According to me, its "evil" thing!
1. Punishing him for the second time! (after prison etc.)
2. Reduces the chance of his integrating in society. (increases chance or push him to further crime..)
3. do not help to enyone prevent molesting... (there is statistically low chance get molester by once captured and cured molester, and even if he is no curred, he can trvel anyvhere where nobody knows him..)
4. in time this always leeds to adding other people with other "sins" into index or make new indexes (for examle for judes or blacks or someone with different political opinion "?
5. can lead to lynching innocent people... (already happened in USA)
According to me, its "evil" thing!
Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
I agree with Jednorozec that it is an "evil" thing!
But politicians are based on the worst human qualities and stupidity, or rather ignorance.
People are still misinformed and indoctrinated by the media and stupid shrinks that every pedophile is a predator and a child abuser.
I think that polish sexologists should write an open letter to polish government or the polish parliament using arguments given by Jednorozec.
But politicians are based on the worst human qualities and stupidity, or rather ignorance.
People are still misinformed and indoctrinated by the media and stupid shrinks that every pedophile is a predator and a child abuser.
I think that polish sexologists should write an open letter to polish government or the polish parliament using arguments given by Jednorozec.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
By the laws of EU the public registry of this kind is prohibited. They had to leave the EU first.
Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
Apparently, in France and the UK there are such records, so it is compatible with EU law.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
They are not public registries, neither they are public in Poland.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
UK is about the leave the EU.George Washington jr. píše:Apparently, in France and the UK there are such records, so it is compatible with EU law.
France is a strange country which never did care about EU-law. The still check pasports at their Schenger-border which is illegal. They always spend too much money, their debt is much higher then the 3% norm, almost everything is state-owned, which contradict EU-law again, so France is a strange country which doesn't care about any EU-rule or regulation.
Poland might be forced to leave the EU. Their violations of EU-law are similar to that of Turkey or Ukraine. There is no longer freedom of press for example.
Poland better joins some African union somewhere close to Rwanda. With their current politics they do no longer belong to Europe.
No hard feelings towards a lot of Polish people, just the politics in Poland is rotten.
I advise all good people in Poland to leave the sinking ship./ Go to a more sunnier place.

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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
Polen plaatst publieke omroep onder controle regering
Polish president signs bill putting state media under government control
Great job, Poland.
Polen plaatst publieke omroep onder controle regering
Polish president signs bill putting state media under government control
So after the BREXIT, we will get a PEXIT.Poland’s president has signed into law a bill handing the conservative government control of state media, despite concern elsewhere in the EU and condemnation from rights watchdogs.
Andrzej Duda signed the legislation because he wants state media to be “impartial, objective and credible”, his aide Małgorzata Sadurska said. She added that the president did not believe broadcasters guaranteed objective information in their current form.
Under the new law, senior figures in public radio and television will be appointed – and sacked – by the treasury minister, and will no longer be hired by the National Broadcasting Council.
Under the legislation current managers and supervisory board members of Poland’s public broadcasters will be fired with immediate effect.
The ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party had earlier said it planned to turn the PAP news agency and public television and radio – all currently state-owned businesses – into national cultural institutions like the opera or the national museum.
The media measure is the latest controversial legislation introduced by the PiS, led by the former premier Jarosław Kaczyński, since it won a general election in October after eight years in opposition.
Late last year Duda passed into law a reform of the constitutional court despite mass protests and claims by the opposition that the changes threatened judicial independence.
The Council of Europe, the continent’s top human rights watchdog, had urged Duda against signing the media law. On Tuesday the body’s human rights commissioner, Nils Muižnieks, appealed to Duda not to sign it.
The Polish government’s moves have prompted escalating warnings from the European commission that it could intervene, including two letters from its vice-president, Frans Timmermans, asking Warsaw for information.
In an unprecedented move, on 13 January the commission will debate the state of the rule of law in Poland, which could theoretically result in Poland losing its EU voting rights on matters that concern the entire 28-nation bloc.
Great job, Poland.

Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
But where to go? Which country is a pedophile friendly?Kofola píše:Go to a more sunnier place
You can go to Saudi Arabia and marry a nine years old girl.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
I hope we will get Czexit as soon as possible.
And Poles should join the Indian Union, this is where they are mentally closest to:

Direct link:
And Poles should join the Indian Union, this is where they are mentally closest to:

Direct link:
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
I am a pedophile, I live in Czech Republic and I am not persecuted for my sexuality. I am allowed to study, I am allowed to work, I am allowed to have driving license, I am allowed to get marry, I am allowed to have children.George W. junior píše:But where to go? Which country is a pedophile friendly?
Even at the state office I can say, that I am a pedophile and there are no restrictions or punishment from state authority.
Czech sexologists distinguish between a sexual deviant and a sexual offender. I can go to sexologist and I can say, that I am a pedophile and that my sexuality case me problems in personal life, sexologist will try to help me and it will be paid from public health insurance.
Personally I think, that Czech republic is a good place for pedophiles.
Všichni dospělí byli nejdříve dětmi. Ale málokdo se na to pamatuje.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Malý princ
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Malý princ
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
Jemen might be a good place. B)George W. junior píše:But where to go? Which country is a pedophile friendly?Kofola píše:Go to a more sunnier place
You can go to Saudi Arabia and marry a nine years old girl.
Czech Republic is a better place then Poland, much better.

The language might not be such a problem, cestina is close to Polish language.
Czech have the best beer in the world, they have smazene syr s hranolky, Kofola of course, only a problem is that the Konzum closes at 16 hours, why soo early? Proc?

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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
I would like to talk to a good sexuologist or psychologist, however I still can not communicate enough in cestina jazika.daniel píše:I am a pedophile, I live in Czech Republic and I am not persecuted for my sexuality. I am allowed to study, I am allowed to work, I am allowed to have driving license, I am allowed to get marry, I am allowed to have children.George W. junior píše:But where to go? Which country is a pedophile friendly?
Even at the state office I can say, that I am a pedophile and there are no restrictions or punishment from state authority.
Czech sexologists distinguish between a sexual deviant and a sexual offender. I can go to sexologist and I can say, that I am a pedophile and that my sexuality case me problems in personal life, sexologist will try to help me and it will be paid from public health insurance.
Personally I think, that Czech republic is a good place for pedophiles.

In Netherlands finding a psychologist that you can talk to about pedofilia is impossible these days.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland
Very interesting.Gabriel Svoboda píše:I hope we will get Czexit as soon as possible.
And Poles should join the Indian Union, this is where they are mentally closest to:
Direct link:
Dekuje vam.

Polska should join indeed the Indian Union and I hope Czech Republics can be a independent country again, it is the best for the Czechs.
Czech is a little self-made paradise, with happy people, a beautyfull (but amazing difficult) language, excellent beer, atheist mostly, very organised (my sister calls it 'little Switserland'), not afraid of nudity, amazing wonderfull nature, cycle paths, pivovars, environmental care (all nadrazi have recycle boxes), good public transportation.
The EU is terrible. Czexit would be good for the Czechs.
I wish the Czechs all the best.