Would things improve for pedophiles when USA if no longer su

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Kofola Nizozemi
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Would things improve for pedophiles when USA if no longer su

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Sorry to start about politics, but one might not be interested in politics, politicians are interested in your and my personal life unfortunately.

I just wonder, just viewed from the point of sexual freedom (not about other freedoms or human rights), how would the world be when the USA is no longer the superpower is once was and another new world order is created where the BRICS countries (Brasil, Russia, India, China and Suid Afrika) or just China is in control?

This scenario is not imaginary as the evil empire the USA (where all the hate towards sexual minorities comes from and the complete paranoia society worldwide, the violence) is about to collapse, like all once mighty empires did in the past (Roman Empire, British empire, the French empire). B) *heart*

Then another empire takes over.

The best of course is no empire in control, no power-abuse (as all empires, all states like to abuse power and enslave humans), but for now the most likely scenario is the Peoples Republic of China takes over.
In the west we do not know a lot about China, strange, since they will soon be the new power. Most of us do not speak Mandarin (Chinese), but we speak English the language of the old empire.

How is China in regard to sexual freedoms? They not are crazy screaming Evangelist, they do not scream on television about 'the lord who saved me' after asking for some dollars to be send, in fact religious freedom seems non-existent. That might be a good thing, as religious leader like to discriminate and hate. (By the way, I do believe in God, I just do not believe in organized religion). *yahoo*


So, can we expect a bright a light future?

Bye, bye USA/UK *fuck*
Ni hao China. *yahoo*

I do not say I agree with everything in Chinese politics, I just want to specify on discrimination of people who can appreciate the beauty of children. *girl_in_love*

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Re: Would things improve for pedophiles when USA if no longe

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Well, I know quite a lot about China and Chinese people from first-hand experience, I do even speak Mandarin :) .
But I'm not really interested in politics, so I can't give you a decent answer.

But I feel, based on my experience, that they are generally NOT suspicious of adults who hang out with (even with someone else's) children. Basically, you can be friends with children and they will not look upon you as you're a pervert. As long as you aren't doing something suspicious, though ;)

Hovewer, I'm not really sure about the society's views on LGBT community there. I never got to talk to anyone about this. But you really can't expect open romantic relationships with children (you can't anywhere AFAIK).

Regarding religion, China is a big country, so there are many different religions (you can find more exact numbers), but I have never seen a Chinese person discriminate against others based on their religion. Some of them don't like westerners at all, though.

I don't know if I helped you with what you wanted to know, but I felt like I could contribute :)
Kofola Nizozemi
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Re: Would things improve for pedophiles when USA if no longe

Nový příspěvek od Kofola Nizozemi »

Smazaný uživatel píše:Well, I know quite a lot about China and Chinese people from first-hand experience, I do even speak Mandarin :) .
But I'm not really interested in politics, so I can't give you a decent answer.

But I feel, based on my experience, that they are generally NOT suspicious of adults who hang out with (even with someone else's) children. Basically, you can be friends with children and they will not look upon you as you're a pervert. As long as you aren't doing something suspicious, though ;)

Hovewer, I'm not really sure about the society's views on LGBT community there. I never got to talk to anyone about this. But you really can't expect open romantic relationships with children (you can't anywhere AFAIK).

Regarding religion, China is a big country, so there are many different religions (you can find more exact numbers), but I have never seen a Chinese person discriminate against others based on their religion. Some of them don't like westerners at all, though.

I don't know if I helped you with what you wanted to know, but I felt like I could contribute :)
感谢您全面的回答战友! :D

Thanks for your reply. Dekuje vam!

I think Christianity is to blame as well as overhyped feminism and wild-west-style capitalism here in the west.
All those things China does not suffer from, no feminists, no christians, no wild-west capitalism, no commercial media.
A family member of me lives in China, he works there. As I feel too much discriminated in my own country, Nizozemi Netherlands, I think about emigrating to a place where there is no paranoia and friendly people, instead of depressing and paranoia Netherlands.

What you wrote about China sounds good.
I can perfectly live without sex (government does not want its citizens to have sex), but I can't live constantly in fear for being beaten up and i hate it to play theater all the time, I want to be open and honest without being beaten up.

Is it difficult to learn Mandarin (Chinese)?

I hope China will conquer my country soon, there are very much welcome here! *give_heart*

Ni hao China! *heart*
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Gabriel Svoboda
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Re: Would things improve for pedophiles when USA if no longe

Nový příspěvek od Gabriel Svoboda »

Kofola Nizozemi píše:I hope China will conquer my country soon, there are very much welcome here! *give_heart*
It sound like the movie Het paard van Sinterklaas (Kůň pro Winky). :)
 ! Zpráva od: Tým ČEPEK
Upozornění: Tento uživatel je na trestné lavici, jelikož se jeho chování neslučovalo se základními principy Československé pedofilní komunity. V zájmu zachování kontinuity diskuzí příspěvky zablokovaných uživatelů nemažeme.
Kofola Nizozemi
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Re: Would things improve for pedophiles when USA if no longe

Nový příspěvek od Kofola Nizozemi »

Gabriel Svoboda píše:
Kofola Nizozemi píše:I hope China will conquer my country soon, there are very much welcome here! *give_heart*
It sound like the movie Het paard van Sinterklaas (Kůň pro Winky). :)

Versta je Nederlands dan? :D Het is inderdaad wel een toffe film.


Vi rozemite Nizozemsko jazika? :D To je dobre, pekny film (Het paard van Sinterklaas).

I saw in Czech Republic you also have something like 'Sinterklaas', we celebrate it on 5 (sometimes 6) of december, a Turkish/Spanish saint (svatek Mikolas) comes to Nizozemi and nothern Belgium (and Suriname and Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Sint Maarten (only dutch part of island) and Sint Eustatius) and brings presents to the children who did behave well that year. He comes with a boat from Madrid (which is quite strange, as there is no sea in Madrid).

Na schledanou,

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Gabriel Svoboda
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Re: Would things improve for pedophiles when USA if no longe

Nový příspěvek od Gabriel Svoboda »

I have seen the movie dubbed in Czech. :) Yes, we have Saint Nicolas too, but with no legends about his origin, he simply gives presents to good children. But it is only a minor holiday before the main holiday (Christmas).
 ! Zpráva od: Tým ČEPEK
Upozornění: Tento uživatel je na trestné lavici, jelikož se jeho chování neslučovalo se základními principy Československé pedofilní komunity. V zájmu zachování kontinuity diskuzí příspěvky zablokovaných uživatelů nemažeme.
Kofola Nizozemi
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Re: Would things improve for pedophiles when USA if no longe

Nový příspěvek od Kofola Nizozemi »

Gabriel Svoboda píše:I have seen the movie dubbed in Czech. :) Yes, we have Saint Nicolas too, but with no legends about his origin, he simply gives presents to good children. But it is only a minor holiday before the main holiday (Christmas).
In Nizozemi Svatek Mikolas is a huge spectacle. He arrives around 20 of november and from september on you can buy all kind of Sinterklaas-related articles in the supermarket.
Christmas is not so big in Holland as in other countries. Actually as a child I remember Christmas to be the most boring part of the year, with a christmas tree, no gifts, just some visits to familymember, but for the rest just dull, boring days.
I still do not like christmas, i prefer Sinterklaas. :D He is much more fun. Santa Claus is boring.

Dutch children - including the immigrant children - love Sinterklaas. *give_heart*