Psych Central: Causes of Pedophilia

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Psych Central: Causes of Pedophilia

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An article that seems to be written lazily, without proper knowledge and critical attitude. Right in the beginning it fails to make a distinction between pedophilia and pedophilic disorder in DSM-5. Further it quite mixes pedophilia with sexual abuse of children. It way too much focus on hypothesis attributing pedophilia to psychological causes. It overlooks the fact that most of the studies about pedophiles are don't on the samples of sexual abuse offenders. And I think you all will be pleased by following claim:

"Pedophilia is similar to certain personality disorders because the individual with the disorder is very self-centered, treats children like objects for his pleasure and does not really suffer personally with emotional distress (as is the case with many mental illnesses.)"

Written by Sharie Stines, Psy.D