I have found an article that factchecks the claim that "at a minimum 40 percent of those who view child pornography end up molesting children as a result," showing that the claim relies on overlooking possible biases and assuming that correlation implies causation.
Link between viewing child pornography and molestation cases
- Čestný člen skupiny ČEPEK
- Líbí se mi: Chlapci a ženy
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- Výkřik do tmy: Jsem produkt dekadentního světonázoru a jakožto takový na slepé větvi vývoje.
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Re: Link between viewing child pornography and molestation c
Thank you for the excellent article, simgiran.
My opinion is that if we want to know the relationship between the consumption of CP and the desire to abuse children,
we must conduct an interview with pedophiles (pedophiles who know CP). Other methods of research are non-authoritative and misleading.
Important evaluation:
My opinion is that if we want to know the relationship between the consumption of CP and the desire to abuse children,
we must conduct an interview with pedophiles (pedophiles who know CP). Other methods of research are non-authoritative and misleading.
Important evaluation:
article píše:And researchers caution that there is no evidence that the molesting of children by those possessing child porn takes place as a result of viewing the child porn, a claim made by DeWine. Quite to the contrary, study of this cause-effect relationship we found suggests that nearly all offenders committed acts of molestation prior to looking at child porn.
- Čestný člen skupiny ČEPEK
- Líbí se mi: Chlapci a ženy
- ve věku od: 8
- ve věku do: 15
- Kontakt: e-mail: [email protected]
- Výkřik do tmy: Jsem produkt dekadentního světonázoru a jakožto takový na slepé větvi vývoje.
- Příspěvky: 1278
- Dal: 474 poděkování
- Dostal: 568 poděkování
Re: Link between viewing child pornography and molestation c
Interviews alone can't give the answer. Rather they may show what may be good to focus on. To form hypotheses which then can be tested by studies. Self-reports may provide interesting information but they provide information what the subjects feel and think. People can delude themselves. One can try to ask about what someone have done and when, but confidentiality has to be provided and still people can be afraid to tell the truth or they may lie to provide a better image of pedophiles etc. Unfortunately, things don't get better when you try to get the information from convictions etc. For example the likelihood of conviction isn't the same for hand-on offences and child pornography offences. Simply looking at correlation of these two can't show whether viewing child pornography leads to hands-on offences. At most you can say it didn't lead to offence when the offence came before viewing child pornography. One may try to find what happens when availability of child pornography changes, but the good opportunities and other factors can be more important in change of crime rates.