"When we meet him, twenty five year old Daniel is a student at the literary academy in Prague and in the midst of encountering his problematic sexuality head-on. He is a virgin and has never dated a boy or a girl, as he tells us. But he does have love in his life even though he knows that it is the kind of love that can never be realized. Czech filmmaker Veronika Lišková followed Daniel for one year as he introduces his family, friends, and the society in which he lives into his world living as a pedophile. An exceedingly empathetic and human-scale story, Daniel’s World captures both the public and private moments of his confessions. [...]"
Q & A: VERONIKA LIŠKOVÁ (Daniel's World)
- Čestný člen skupiny ČEPEK
- Líbí se mi: Chlapci a ženy
- ve věku od: 8
- ve věku do: 15
- Kontakt: e-mail: [email protected]
- Výkřik do tmy: Jsem produkt dekadentního světonázoru a jakožto takový na slepé větvi vývoje.
- Příspěvky: 1276
- Dal: 474 poděkování
- Dostal: 568 poděkování