Virtuous Pedophiles group gives support therapy cannot
Stigma around pedophilia affecting therapy, search for cause of condition Virtuous Pedophiles group gives support therapy canno
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Re: Virtuous Pedophiles group gives support therapy c
Nice, very nice article!!!
"Pedophilia refers very specifically to the sexual interest," says Cantor. "That's very different from people who actually act on the sexual impulse and sexually approach or touch a child."
Edwards also says that distinction is important. Although a pedophile, he calls sex abuse a "serious crime.""A lot of pedophiles never sexually abuse a child and never would. Like no chance at all," he says. "But it's very hard to have to keep a big secret."
The trouble with laws
In a world where there is a huge stigma attached to pedophilia, those with the condition are often intensely afraid to reveal their troubling thoughts to family and friends. At the same time, laws can also deter them from even speaking to their therapists.
Across Canada, provincial rules require that mental-health professionals must report a patient to authorities if they have reasonable grounds to believe that a specific child is at risk of being sexually molested or exploited. The exact wording varies by jurisdiction, but often mental health professionals err on the side of caution, due to fear of lawsuits, reporting even cases where the risk of someone acting on their impulses is not great, or where a patient's comments don't involve a specific child.
"The side effect of that is now people don't come in [to therapy] in the first place," says Cantor. "We have every reason to believe that those laws make things worse rather than better," he says. "We should be making it easier for people to come in to therapy.
Cantor says that in his experience with pedophiles, they tend to commit crimes when they are at their most desperate. "Unfortunately, all society does is make them feel all the more desperate by removing every possible support."
"Pedophilia refers very specifically to the sexual interest," says Cantor. "That's very different from people who actually act on the sexual impulse and sexually approach or touch a child."
Edwards also says that distinction is important. Although a pedophile, he calls sex abuse a "serious crime.""A lot of pedophiles never sexually abuse a child and never would. Like no chance at all," he says. "But it's very hard to have to keep a big secret."
The trouble with laws
In a world where there is a huge stigma attached to pedophilia, those with the condition are often intensely afraid to reveal their troubling thoughts to family and friends. At the same time, laws can also deter them from even speaking to their therapists.
Across Canada, provincial rules require that mental-health professionals must report a patient to authorities if they have reasonable grounds to believe that a specific child is at risk of being sexually molested or exploited. The exact wording varies by jurisdiction, but often mental health professionals err on the side of caution, due to fear of lawsuits, reporting even cases where the risk of someone acting on their impulses is not great, or where a patient's comments don't involve a specific child.
"The side effect of that is now people don't come in [to therapy] in the first place," says Cantor. "We have every reason to believe that those laws make things worse rather than better," he says. "We should be making it easier for people to come in to therapy.
Cantor says that in his experience with pedophiles, they tend to commit crimes when they are at their most desperate. "Unfortunately, all society does is make them feel all the more desperate by removing every possible support."
Československá pedofilní komunita – již 13 let s Vámi!
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Re: Virtuous Pedophiles group gives support therapy c
Indeed very good article.
To je pravda, mnoho dobre textu.
To je pravda, mnoho dobre textu.