I've found a survey by Dr. Philip Tromovitch with obviously focuses on people attracted to children and pubescents.
A big part of it is focused on personality traits.
Unfortunately, in questions asking about age orientation it does not ask simultaneously about sex orientation, sex orientation is asked separatedly, which makes it problematic for people who are attracted to one age group of one sex group and other age group of the other sex group.
The survey can be found at https://acsurvey.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_0obgXp75Q6oqlXD please don't forget to specify referral source in the survey. I suggest to answer 'ČEPEK http://www.pedofilie-info.cz'. Read the questions in the survey carefully, some of them are a bit tricky.
Czech discussion about the survey at http://www.pedofilie-info.cz/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3428.
Survey by Dr. Philip Tromovitch
- Čestný člen skupiny ČEPEK
- Líbí se mi: Chlapci a ženy
- ve věku od: 8
- ve věku do: 15
- Kontakt: e-mail: [email protected]
- Výkřik do tmy: Jsem produkt dekadentního světonázoru a jakožto takový na slepé větvi vývoje.
- Příspěvky: 1276
- Dal: 474 poděkování
- Dostal: 568 poděkování