What exactly is pedophilia?

Section of the forum for English discussion about pedophilia.
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Re: What exactly is pedophilia?

Nový příspěvek od regina »

17 year old girls are also human beings
I know what you mean.
My boy is now 30, but I still love him, but I am not attracetd to him sexually now.
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Re: What exactly is pedophilia?

Nový příspěvek od regina »

kredenc píše:I like grown up women very much too u know
Do you like them sexually?
I also like cats and dogs.
But I prefer boys, because they arouse me.
I feel in their world well and comfortable.
Kofola Nizozemi
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Re: What exactly is pedophilia?

Nový příspěvek od Kofola Nizozemi »

regina píše:For believers the age of consent should be 18, and it under the condition to be married!
But, alas , no everyone is a believer.
By the way?
How many pedophiles believe in God or in something supernatural.
I believe in God and reincarnation, but age of consent has completely nothing to do with God. Nowhere in any religious manuscript you can find something about a minimum-age to have sex.
The only thing one might find is that the Abrahamistic religions do have something against same-sex relationships (Christianity, Judaism and Islam), but nowhere pedophilia or sex with minors is banned or seen as a sin. Pedophilia is simply nowhere mentioned in the Bible and the age limit of 18 is purely artificial and an idea of puritanical Britains in 1235, which was later exported to the country of madness the USA.

Before that time and in other, less rainy, countries, there was never any age-limit. It is a fantasy of human kind, not of God. Please do not blame God, when He is not to blame. :D
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Re: What exactly is pedophilia?

Nový příspěvek od kredenc »

Yes sir, I like then sexually. Thank god :)
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Re: What exactly is pedophilia?

Nový příspěvek od regina »

Kofola píše:do not blame God, when He is not to blame.
So there are two kinds of people: believers and religious people.
Believers believe in God or other supernatural powers like Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Religious people have their religion, hierarchy and priests.
The priests, especially the pope, know what God thinks and what makes Him angry , for example having sex with minors under the age of consent.
These divine thoughts and wrath translate into religious laws which forbid: gay sex, extramarital sex, premarital sex, incestuous sex, self-abuse, contraceptive sex, sex with animals and sex with children.
It's all words of God written in the scriptures.
So you can easily find what God thinks about everything.
He thinks and mandates it to do, or not to do.
So if you are a religious man you can blame God for condemning paedophilia.
Believers believe in God, but they do not know what God asks of them.
They have no religion.
In other words they establish their own religion.
In their religion sex with minors under the age of consent is not immoral. :D
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Re: What exactly is pedophilia?

Nový příspěvek od regina »

kredenc píše:Yes sir, I like then sexually. Thank god
So you are not a true, full, paedophile!
Just like bisexual.
Ani pes, ani slepice. :D
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Re: What exactly is pedophilia?

Nový příspěvek od Spoolie »

Pedo phile = Lover of Youth.

There are good and bad people through all levels of society, and good and bad people will infiltrate all groups and organisations, transcending all demographics.
Which is stronger, the love for sex, or the love for the welfare of the child?

Vilifying sex is lucrative business for government agencies. Having power of control over population by exploiting manipulation of desires.
Loving youth is instinctual normal human behavior.
Abusing youth, causing them to hurt and cry, is not civilized.

Love is not always so logical. Logic would have it that pedophiles would serve to protect children from child abuse, and to preserve their sexual purity, and many pedophiles do that! The government and the religious instituions do very little to educate the public about love and sex, society remains trapped in a viscious cycle of ignorance that fuels child abuse rather than providing solutions.
Just because the rest of the world is uninformed or working to devalue your ideas, do not sacrifice your own sovereignty of beliefs to find your own truth.

There is freedom of speech in America, you are free to speak, but chances are nobody will listen.
I am listening. I care about pedophiles.