Today, people are being arrested for loving children, even for just dreaming about it, without any action, within the European Union, within the most important country even in the EU: Germany. Yes, that's correct, Germany is arrresting pedophiles for being pedophile, not for having sex with children. Nazism is all over Europe again and again in Germany:,20641266,27039842.html
When I am in Czech Republics, there are German shops, like Kaufland, all over the place. I already did boycott them (I only buy in Czech shops like Konzum) and I would call for a complete boycott of German products and German shops.
Let Germany go bankrupt!
Zum scheisse mit der BRD und Ihre Armee.
Bojkotovat německé zboží a německých obchodů, jako je Kaufland.
Germany arrests people for thoughtcrime, being pedophile
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Germany arrests people for thoughtcrime, being pedophile
Naposledy upravil(a) Kasz dne čtvrtek 8. 5. 2014, 18:42:49, celkem upraveno 1 x.
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Důvod: Please, give hyperlinks between URL tags. Thanks.
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Re: Germany arrests people for thoughtcrime, being pedophile
Is it Kaufland's fault that there are some idiots in Germany?
Dítě je úžasná bytost. Dej mu najevo lásku, ale opatrně. Zájmy dítěte jsou důležitější než tvoje. I když bys měl možná rád víc než jen pusu, nemůžeš. Nesmíš. Zradil bys sám sebe a ublížil tomu, koho jsi miloval. Nepodporuj tedy ubližování dětem ani jeho produkty, dětskou pornografii.
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Re: Germany arrests people for thoughtcrime, being pedophile
Could you briefly translate the article? I think there is no way to be sentenced for a dreaming about children. If yes, there is no sentece that would make me not to dream about children. I am sorry German court, I think you would have to keep me in prison forever
"Life is a waterfall, we're one in the river and one again after the fall
swimming through the void we hear the word
we lose ourselves but we find it all..."
swimming through the void we hear the word
we lose ourselves but we find it all..."
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Re: Germany arrests people for thoughtcrime, being pedophile
German police have broken up a pedophile ring with the arrest of ten men and a woman, ringleaders of a group that traded items on the internet and they met in person once a year to set new goals.
As reported Sunday police state of Saxony-Anhalt (east), the venue for your appointment this year was the town of Aschersleben, about 30,000 people, where they spend the first scheduled weekend of May.
The leaders of the group, under the spotlight of the security forces, were found in the city and together they visited a children's market and the zoo, before the police stopped in the center of town, offered no resistance
The eleven-ten men arrested between 22 and 60 and a woman of 57 - constitute the core of a pedophile ring and have even used their own children to connect with new victims, according to research by the police, who did not reveal whether they are accused of or exchange child pornography also sexually abused.
According to the broadcaster MDR, detainees from different German cities, including Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig and Dortmund.
The investigation remains open and further arrests are not ruled out. NTN24
Everyone of the arested pedophiles are still free now. No illigal things are committed. It was just a self-help-meeting. A undercoverreporter lies to the police and the 130 policeman distroyed the legal alice day last week in SA.
You can read more in german Girlloverforum and blogs, you need google translator.
Naposledy upravil(a) Kasz dne pátek 9. 5. 2014, 20:09:39, celkem upraveno 1 x.
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Důvod: Please, give hyperlinks between URL tags. Thanks.
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Re: Germany arrests people for thoughtcrime, being pedophile
Sexuality racist and undercover reporter
Wolfram Kuhnigk alias Ἄρτεμις (Artemis)
Wolfram Kuhnigk alias Ἄρτεμις (Artemis)
Naposledy upravil(a) Kasz dne pátek 9. 5. 2014, 20:10:10, celkem upraveno 1 x.
Důvod: Please, give hyperlinks between URL tags. Thanks.s
Důvod: Please, give hyperlinks between URL tags. Thanks.s
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- Bydliště: Germany
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- Dostal: 7 poděkování
Re: Germany arrests people for thoughtcrime, being pedophile
Today sent on RTL, "Undercover Deutschland" the report of the german Alice Day in Sachsen Anhalt (East Germany), with the secondery topic "surrogate motherhood" in Germany.
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Undercover Deutschland is a production of
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