texasobserver.org: Life On the List

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texasobserver.org: Life On the List

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texasobserver.org: Life On the List
A single mistake when he was 12 landed Josh Gravens on Texas’ sex offender list. He’s been paying for it ever since.
When Josh Gravens was 12 years old, he made a terrible mistake. He and his sister, who was 8, had sexual contact, twice. “Like, where my body part touched her body part,” he says. “It was never penetrative. Obviously, it couldn’t have been what they call consensual, but it was playing.”

Josh’s sister told their mother, who was alarmed. She wanted to ensure that, even if Josh’s intentions were only curious, he learned appropriate behavior right away. She called a Christian counseling center near their home in Abilene and described what happened. She was informed that, by law, the center had to report Josh to the police for sexual assault of a child.

The next day, Josh was arrested and sent into Texas’ juvenile justice system. He wouldn’t get out for three and a half years.
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Gabriel Svoboda
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Re: texasobserver.org: Life On the List

Nový příspěvek od Gabriel Svoboda »

*wall* *wall* *wall*
 ! Zpráva od: Tým ČEPEK
Upozornění: Tento uživatel je na trestné lavici, jelikož se jeho chování neslučovalo se základními principy Československé pedofilní komunity. V zájmu zachování kontinuity diskuzí příspěvky zablokovaných uživatelů nemažeme.
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Re: texasobserver.org: Life On the List

Nový příspěvek od Luna »

*wall* *wall* *wall*

The US common-laws are very strange! The US criminal law said, children from seven years old or older who played docktor with other children are peadophile. Well, in the US justice system it's normal who arrested children as "peadophile sex offender".
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Re: texasobserver.org: Life On the List

Nový příspěvek od marcel »

That's just crazy. Playing like that is normal for children and it teaches them about each other. I know I did play when I was a child and I'm sure I'm not alone.

The parents who follow these guidelines shouldn't really be parents to be honest.
Kofola Nizozemi
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Re: texasobserver.org: Life On the List

Nový příspěvek od Kofola Nizozemi »

Luna píše: *wall* *wall* *wall*

The US common-laws are very strange! The US criminal law said, children from seven years old or older who played docktor with other children are peadophile. Well, in the US justice system it's normal who arrested children as "peadophile sex offender".
USA is an insane country.

I do not know if the world will get better, now that the Chinese are about to take over. Probably worse then the USA is simply impossible, so I hope the USA will loose all power soon and stop pushing other countries - like the Netherlands - to discriminate pedofiles and they stop hurting children all over the world (children get hurt by their agressive actions).
Let´s hope the Chinese are less insane (I´ve no idea actually, I never was in China) and the world can live in freedom again.