Here is one "profile of pedophile" I've find. Do you recognize yourself or there isn't a very good match?
Things you might not know about yourself (profiles of pedos)
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Re: Things you might not know about yourself (profiles of pe
No, it´s an American bullshit-site. Sorry.simgiran píše:Here is one "profile of pedophile" I've find. Do you recognize yourself or there isn't a very good match?
Luckely, most people stay with their prejudices about pedofiles which have not a lot to with reality. Therefore people might never discover I like ´holcicky´ (little girls).
I have many friends (adults) and my hobbies normally are not very interesting to children (politics for example, sociology, environmental-care - well, that sometimes might be interesting to some) and I´m not into single moms only for their children.
But thanks for showing me, that Americans in general (with a few exceptions) are pretty dumb.