German section

Section of the forum for English discussion about other topics.
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German section

Nový příspěvek od Luna »

Do you speak german?

A link to our forum are left in a german girllover-forum, so i thought here are still german speakers.

Would a german section make sense?
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Re: German section

Nový příspěvek od Kasz »

For me (also as an administrator) the German language is problematic. International language is English, so everyone (also German people) could speak in English language here. For Germans you can use your own German forum.
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Re: German section

Nový příspěvek od Tabitha »

Besides, Germany already has another alternative, VoA (alicelovers) has a german speaking forum.

You should open an english speaking forum at GLF Luna. heh heh heh. ;D

Also, does have an international speaking area.
My boss speaks 7 languages.
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Re: German section

Nový příspěvek od Luna »

Tabitha píše:You should open an english speaking forum at GLF Luna. heh heh heh. ;D
I want but I can't open it, because I have no say in... Well you can write english in the german childloverforum called CLF. ;)

What do you think about a forum like an European Pedophilia Association (EPA)? are not working clean...
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Výkřik do tmy: Nejvíc mi vadí předsudečné odsouzení - i když jsem neublížil žádnému dítěti, najdou se lidé, co píšou "postavit ke zdi, kulka to vyřeší". Ne, nevyřeší. Pedofilové, kteří nic nespáchali, zažívají celý život zbytečné utrpení jen z důvodu předsudků. To je třeba změnit. Proto vznikl tenhle web.
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Re: German section

Nový příspěvek od Kasz »

Luna píše:What do you think about a forum like an European Pedophilia Association (EPA)?
There exists such forum yet? Or is it your idea to create something like that?
Československá pedofilní komunita – již 13 let s Vámi! ❤️💙
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Re: German section

Nový příspěvek od Luna »

Kasz píše:There exists such forum yet? Or is it your idea to create something like that?
It's only a idea to create something like that.
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Výkřik do tmy: Nejvíc mi vadí předsudečné odsouzení - i když jsem neublížil žádnému dítěti, najdou se lidé, co píšou "postavit ke zdi, kulka to vyřeší". Ne, nevyřeší. Pedofilové, kteří nic nespáchali, zažívají celý život zbytečné utrpení jen z důvodu předsudků. To je třeba změnit. Proto vznikl tenhle web.
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Re: German section

Nový příspěvek od Kasz »

I think it would be problematic to create something like European Pedophile Association, or Community. I think it is problem mainly because of moral integrity of every one person (also my personal experience is that not low number of pedophiles do not have opinions, which I think they are supposed to have), and also it can be problematic due to language issues. I think, there have to be at first national community websites, and also there have to be general public awareness what pedophilia exactly is and what pedophilia exactly is not. And also every national community has to obey some fundamental rules, like we have written in About Us section:

Our mission IS NOT to legalize sexual activities with children, to lower the age of consent, to introduce registered partnership with children, to justify child sex offenders or to cover any such acts. We do not want our members to ask for or offer child pornography or instructions to find it. We perceive laws and social standards as given and we want to fully adapt to them, obey them and possibly help others to do the same.

Yes, we want to change some laws, especially that laws, which are nonsense - when you do not any harm, like viewing drawn, animated or written child pornography. But the main thing is to "inform the public about what pedophilia is and what does it mean to be a paedophile." and to "provide information about pedophilia to young people at the beginning of puberty, who have just found out that they are sexually attracted to children or adolescents. We want to help these people cope with their sexuality and adapt to society standards in order to live a happy and full life without violating any social standards or official laws."

I don't know, if it is possible to spread these basic statements to all national pedophile communities, even though in many european states communities like ČEPEK don't exist yet. And I can't imagine, how to cooperate with such different people, who I don't personally know. We have also many problematic pedophile people here in Czech republic on our website - they don't obey our rules of polite and decent behaviour, they have sexist jokes towards children, they post indecent pictures on chat, they have also different opinions on "consenting" child, who wants to have sexual activities with adult, so I think it wouldn't be better on some european or international website "for pedophiles". I think that something like european website can exists only, when most pedophiles will obey basic moral rules and only in the future when we will not be afraid of saying publicly "I am pedophile". I think, our generation will not live that moment. But for the future generations I think it would be possible.

May be, this website could be forming website for such european community, but I don't have idea about it - actually I don't believe that it is possible. :) Also Virtuous Pedophiles website could be one of the forming website, for example. I think, If the community wants to change something, it has to be opened to public and also must have some moral credit, as I have written before.
Československá pedofilní komunita – již 13 let s Vámi! ❤️💙
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Re: German section

Nový příspěvek od Tabitha »

Luna píše:
Tabitha píše:You should open an english speaking forum at GLF Luna. heh heh heh. ;D
I want but I can't open it, because I have no say in... Well you can write english in the german childloverforum called CLF. ;) are not working clean...

I will return to CLF in september.

Not sure what you mean "not working clean"
cjat is the cleanest tightest running ship afloat.
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Re: German section

Nový příspěvek od Luna »

Tabitha píše:I will return to CLF in september.
Why until in september? o.o
Tabitha píše:Not sure what you mean "not working clean"
cjat is the cleanest tightest running ship afloat.
Now it's working finde, i got a lot of errors, without code numbers..
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Re: German section

Nový příspěvek od Tabitha »

why until september?

because, i'm on vacation. *beach*

Tabs needs a little break from all the girls and the pervs.