I have found this survey: https://nwpsych.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_1TSSDRFUU3tO5RX
We are the Human Sexuality Lab in the Department of Psychology at Northwestern University. We are conducting a research study to study the sexual orientation, erotic interests, ethical opinions, and life experiences of men and women with a sexual interest in young persons (typically persons aged 14 and younger).
If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete the questionnaire on the following pages online, on a computer of your choice. The questionnaire should take no more than thirty (30) minutes to complete and begins on the following page. Please answer all the items as honestly as possible. When you are finished, click the submit button.
The questionnaire contains questions of a personal nature. Questions ask about:
· the kinds of sexual and romantic partners you find attractive (e.g., “I am most attracted to young persons ages …”)
· your past sexual behavior with adults (please note that we do not ask about sexual experiences with persons aged 14 and younger)
· your memories of the development of your sexual interest in persons aged 14 and younger
· your psychological adjustment to your sexual feelings towards persons aged 14 and younger
· the reactions of others, including mental health professionals, to your disclosure of your sexual feelings for persons aged 14 and younger (if you have divulged them)
· your history of contact with the legal profession (arrests, convictions, and mandated therapy), if any, for sexual offenses involving persons aged 14 and younger (We are asking this in order to examine whether respondents without a history of such contact differ from respondents with such a history.)
· whether you have any sexual fantasies that you yourself are a person aged 14 and younger
You may choose not to answer any questions. The questionnaire will not require an answer to every question in order to proceed. At any time, you may decide to withdraw from the study. If you withdraw, no more information will be collected from you, and your responses will be permanently deleted. There is no penalty if you decide to withdraw from the study.
Your participation in this study does not involve any physical or emotional risk to you. You may withdraw at any time.
There may be no direct benefit to you by your participation in this research study. Your participation in this study may aid in our understanding of the psychological basis behind sexual attraction toward young persons.
The alternative to participating in this study is not to participate.
We ask that you respond to this survey anonymously. The survey will be hosted by Qualtrics and will not collect IP address information or any other identifying information. Access to survey responses will be password protected. The Qualtrics privacy policy can be found at the following website:
Participation in this research study may result in a loss of privacy, because persons other than the investigator(s) might view your study records. Unless required by law, only the study investigator, members of the investigator’s staff, and representatives from the Northwestern University Institutional Review Board will have authority to review your study records. Results of this study may be used for research, publications, or presentations at scientific meetings. The results of your examinations will be collected in a centralized computer or data registry. The results will not be stored by name or identifier code, nor will any information regarding your computer’s IP be recorded. All results will be kept in a password protected data registry on a secure server.
Your participation in this research study is completely voluntary. You can withdraw at any time. Choosing not to be in this study or to stop being in this study will not result in any penalty to you or loss of benefit to which you are entitled. Your choice not to be in this study will not negatively affect you.
If you have any questions or concerns during the time of your participation in this study, or after its completion, please contact:
J. Michael Bailey
Northwestern University Department of Psychology
[email protected]
If you wish to participate, please select the Accept button and click the arrow button at the bottom right to begin the survey. The progress bar at the bottom of each page will reflect how far into the survey you have proceeded. Print a copy of this consent page for your records. If you do not wish to participate in this study, please select the Decline button, and your session will end.
Northwestern University Research - QUESTIONNAIRE
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Northwestern University Research - QUESTIONNAIRE
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