Facebook communication (just for fun)

Section of the forum for English reactions to media, their articles etc.
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Facebook communication (just for fun)

Nový příspěvek od efix »

Daniel Robinson
Women are like fruit.
Pick them too early and they are hard and sour...
Pick them too late and they are mushy and bitter...
Pick them just right (18+) and they are sweet as hell...
People like you have to spend your entire life trying to convince yourself that you are not wrong, when in actual fact deep down you know you are.
I take a lot of pleasure knowing you have a tough time coming to terms with your mental disposition, learning to cope with your depressing illness.
I laugh at people such as yourself

Tomáš Efix
We are still people, you know? I don't understand how can you laugh at someone's struggle. I didn't choose to be a pedophile. I think what I am doing is right.
If I don't work on coming to terms with my orientation, I may as well go and molest a child right now. Is that what you want? Being a pedophile is not easy and the society is not making it any easier with all the hate.
We can argue about how wrong it is to be a pedophile but that won't change the fact, that pedophiles exist and they may either try to be good, find help, learn the risks and boundaries...or they may act out on their sexual urges.

Daniel Robinson
Since you have admitted being a pedophile I shall pass your email on to the appropriate authority's.
Whether you delete it or not, they can retrieve your information, its very easy to track people down over the internet whether you use a proxy server or not.
Your previous message gives me pleasure, your reaction assures me I have provoked some negative turmoil within your psychology. I feel powerful in the knowledge that you cannot come to terms with your sick sexuality.
You cannot accept your own evil, you cannot fit into normal society.
You are like a cancer, you exist but nobody wants you.
The best advice I can give you is to do the world a favor and commit suicide because you will never be accepted, forgiven or understood.
You have met your match here young man.
PS - I am still laughing at you

Tomáš Efix
You think that if you find my email, you've found me? Oh come on
Go on... [email protected] - yeah that is my email adress
http://www.pedofilie-info.cz - that is a web page I am a moderator of
Do you want me to molest a child just to make you happy?
I am just happy, that not all people are so full of hate as you are. Luckily the people from my circle of friends (non-pedo) are sympathetic. I have no need to convince you. My mission will remain - helping young pedophiles come to terms with their sexuality without harming a single child.
Enjoy your black and white world.

Daniel Robinson
Hahahaa... That was the funniest message I have read all day
Thank you so much Hahahaa...
PS - Enjoy your grey world... Sounds depressing Hahaha!!!

Tomáš Efix
By the way, don't bother reporting our web to the police. Many people have done it before and it still works. We cooperate with the police, you know? Some people tried to find or share child porn using our web. They got reported.
Glad I could make you laugh.

Daniel Robinson
I think you try and help people because you are full of guilt hahahaa...
Such a joke

Tomáš Efix
You mean that only people full of guilt help others? Damn, that would explain sooooo much [/quote]

Daniel Robinson
I think you have a lot to learn about yourself.
and yes, you are full of guilt.
Are your parents proud of your disease?????

Tomáš Efix
My mom loves me. Does yours love you?

Daniel Robinson
I am not obliged to talk about my personal life.
'' We are still people, you know? I don't understand how can you laugh at someone's struggle ''
I shall fall asleep smiling tonight

Tomáš Efix
Don't forget to dream about pedophiles

Daniel Robinson
Nah, I will save that for you
I dream about women haha, fully real grown women.
Something that scares you haha

Tomáš Efix
Yeah, sometimes my 24yo girlfriend can be very scary just like all women

Daniel Robinson
whats her name?

Tomáš Efix
Haha, I'm not an idiot

Daniel Robinson
yes you are
trust me
you seem rather young yourself ???

Tomáš Efix
You realize I am laughing here

Daniel Robinson
This is good, now we have something in common!

Tomáš Efix
Yeah... I'm young...soooo young
Oh you have something in common with a pedophile? Oh, that's sick!!

Daniel Robinson
you seem it, maybe peedos are not emotionally developed???
sick is it? haha - you should know

Tomáš Efix
Maybe you are not emotionally developed

Daniel Robinson
Who knows?

Tomáš Efix
So have you reported me already?

Daniel Robinson
I am working on something better for you
You have given me far too much information.

Tomáš Efix
Oh I can't wait
Maybe I can give some more information

Daniel Robinson
I have enough information thanks
Enjoy your waiting

Tomáš Efix
You think that will make me nervous. But it does not

Daniel Robinson
Means nothing how you feel.
It will not change your destiny.
You have been on a downward slope for a while...

Tomáš Efix
Yeah, downward slopes are the best. I hate those upward...too exhausting

Daniel Robinson
Are you sure you're not young? Jesus Christ !!!
You really come across as somebody very immature ???

Tomáš Efix
Why do you think that?

Daniel Robinson
You must be the worst Peedo ever haha, I bet other Peedos are embarrassed to have you in their group Lol...
wow, you are such a loser man!
serious, the biggest loser.

Tomáš Efix
I know you are... but what am I?

Daniel Robinson
See what I mean? even your sense of humor is shit
mate you need to sort yourself out

Tomáš Efix
Will you come to sort me out?

Daniel Robinson
Not personally.
You shouldn't be clever with stranger though.
Not wise

Tomáš Efix
When the stranger is dumb, I need to be clever. Otherwise the communication would have no meaning.

Daniel Robinson
I think you're mistaken.

Tomáš Efix
Yeah... talking to you is a mistake... but it's sooo funny

Daniel Robinson
Talking to me was your biggest mistake.
You will find out why very soon.
Consider me '' Karma ''

Tomáš Efix
I like your threats

Daniel Robinson
You are one boring mother fucker Hahahaa...
* Yawn *

Tomáš Efix
Mother fucker? Thanks.... but no

Daniel Robinson
Right I have to go now, I have a life outside of the internet.
Thanks for the entertainment
'' Enjoy your struggle coming to terms with yourself '' Hahahaa...

Tomáš Efix
Thanks, you too Have a nice day

Daniel Robinson
I am, you have made it better
Enjoy your cancer!

Tomáš Efix
Enjoy yours

Daniel Robinson
I will
and I'll see you real soon mate!
adios x

Tomáš Efix
Can't wait

Daniel Robinson
Me neither
Only a matter of time!
I am different, I will prove that x

Tomáš Efix
Oh you're different alright

Daniel Robinson
Blah Blah Blah... You talk shit...
Laters !!! x

Tomáš Efix
Yeah.... you just keep going

Daniel Robinson

Tomáš Efix
Oh, Brilliant comment! That changes the whole tone of the discussion!!! WOOW!

Daniel Robinson
Lol, Ive really got to you haven't I Haha...
You made me more happy
Good bye x

Tomáš Efix
Didn't you say you had to go? Yet you're still here

Daniel Robinson
Dítě je úžasná bytost. Dej mu najevo lásku, ale opatrně. Zájmy dítěte jsou důležitější než tvoje. I když bys měl možná rád víc než jen pusu, nemůžeš. Nesmíš. Zradil bys sám sebe a ublížil tomu, koho jsi miloval. Nepodporuj tedy ubližování dětem ani jeho produkty, dětskou pornografii.
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Líbí se mi: Dívky a ženy
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Kontakt: [email protected]
Výkřik do tmy: Nejvíc mi vadí předsudečné odsouzení - i když jsem neublížil žádnému dítěti, najdou se lidé, co píšou "postavit ke zdi, kulka to vyřeší". Ne, nevyřeší. Pedofilové, kteří nic nespáchali, zažívají celý život zbytečné utrpení jen z důvodu předsudků. To je třeba změnit. Proto vznikl tenhle web.
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Re: Facebook communication (just for fun)

Nový příspěvek od Kasz »

Nice discussion! :)
Československá pedofilní komunita – již 13 let s Vámi! ❤️💙
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Re: Facebook communication (just for fun)

Nový příspěvek od Tabitha »

This makes me want to join facebook.
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Re: Facebook communication (just for fun)

Nový příspěvek od efix »

Come on, join! You will learn many new things about yourself for free! :D
Dítě je úžasná bytost. Dej mu najevo lásku, ale opatrně. Zájmy dítěte jsou důležitější než tvoje. I když bys měl možná rád víc než jen pusu, nemůžeš. Nesmíš. Zradil bys sám sebe a ublížil tomu, koho jsi miloval. Nepodporuj tedy ubližování dětem ani jeho produkty, dětskou pornografii.
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Re: Facebook communication (just for fun)

Nový příspěvek od VANAX »

Absolutely useless discussion, my friends. I no longer do this in my life. :)
Uživatelský avatar
Čestný člen skupiny ČEPEK
Výkřik do tmy: Dětský smích je stejně nejkrásnější zvuk :)
Příspěvky: 614
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Re: Facebook communication (just for fun)

Nový příspěvek od efix »

VANAX: You don't like fun? :)
Dítě je úžasná bytost. Dej mu najevo lásku, ale opatrně. Zájmy dítěte jsou důležitější než tvoje. I když bys měl možná rád víc než jen pusu, nemůžeš. Nesmíš. Zradil bys sám sebe a ublížil tomu, koho jsi miloval. Nepodporuj tedy ubližování dětem ani jeho produkty, dětskou pornografii.