I found an interesting survey about child sexual abuse. As far as remember there are no direct questions about pedophilia.
Child sexual abuse survey
- Čestný člen skupiny ČEPEK
- Líbí se mi: Chlapci a ženy
- ve věku od: 8
- ve věku do: 15
- Kontakt: e-mail: [email protected]
- Výkřik do tmy: Jsem produkt dekadentního světonázoru a jakožto takový na slepé větvi vývoje.
- Příspěvky: 1278
- Dal: 474 poděkování
- Dostal: 568 poděkování
- Na trestné lavici
- Líbí se mi: Dívky
- ve věku od: 4
- ve věku do: 12
- Kontakt: [email protected]
- Výkřik do tmy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y19uKiha-fw
- Příspěvky: 7971
- Dal: 1170 poděkování
- Dostal: 1 poděkování
Re: Child sexual abuse survey
Interesting survey. They really write nothing about paedophilia (except for one quote of a news headline). The survey slightly concentrates on child sexual abuse by females, but there are enough general questions as well. Many questions present a scenario of a child sexual abuse and the respondent rates how disgusting it is and how much the perpetrator is to blame. Maybe they will be curious about the respondent who gave so many answers "not very disgusting" and "not much to blame" and they will write to my e-mail address I gave at the end.