Section of the forum for English reactions to media, their articles etc.
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Bydliště: Seattle
Líbí se mi: Dívky
ve věku od: 10
ve věku do: 11
Výkřik do tmy: I am custodian of Tabitha Church
Příspěvky: 136
Dal: 15 poděkování
Dostal: 6 poděkování


Nový příspěvek od Tabitha »

A close friend at my church is leader of the British chapter.

B4U-ACT is a unique collaborative effort between minor-attracted people and mental health professionals to promote communication and understanding between the two groups. Our goal is unique and unprecedented: to make effective and compassionate mental health care available to individuals who self-identify as minor-attracted and who are seeking assistance in dealing with issues in their lives that are challenging to them. We want to give them hope for productive and fulfilling lives, rather than waiting for a crisis to occur.