What must pedophile do according to people in discussions

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What must pedophile do according to people in discussions

Nový příspěvek od Kasz »

What must pedophile do according to people in discussions (interesting answers on internet discussions with critical Kasz's comments):

I am a pedophile, please help me? (answers.yahoo.com)

- "There is only way you're going to avoid doing something horrible in your life, and that is: avoid children at all costs. Most pedophiles, no matter how hard they try, one day "slip" and do something that hurts a child. ... Once you move out the house, try to find a job and a lifestyle where you just don't encounter kids at all."

- "Seek professional help. No one here on Y!A can help."

Kasz: Yes, we are persons, who one day slip and do something that will hurt a child. We are predicted to hurt children? Really?? So tomorrow I will go and rape some child! Because it does not matter if I do it tomorrow or after 10 years - according to answerers just one day I will surely do it.

I am a pedophile by definition, but what exactly is harmful about it? (able2know.org)

- "For example, is it "harmful" to draw a naked child and masterbate to it? If "harmful" is cognitively synonymous to 'obsene/taboo', it is in fact the case. However, I would argue that this would be inconsistent, being that humans may draw violence, yet this is NOT interpreted to be "harmful"."

Is there more to pedophilia than sex? (psychforums.com/paraphilias)

- Suppose I'm an ordinary guy and have the hots for Angelina Jolie. I get a picture of her and masturbate to it. Now, in fact, the chances that Angelina Jolie would want to have sex with me are tiny. Am I fantasizing about raping Angelina Jolie? No. I've just transformed her in my fantasy into someone who would want to have sex with me. You can do the same thing with a boy or girl. Ordinary grown-ups don't hate themselves for feeling sexually attracted to partners they know are totally unavailable and inappropriate for them.

The Pedosmile: Do Pedophiles Have A Certain Smile? (http://www.science20.com)

- The author focuses on identifying pedophiles (who are not necessarily child molesters) to treat them and try to stop them from becoming child molesters.

Kasz: But what about those child molesters, who are not pedophiles? Approx. 90 % of child abusers are not pedophiles!

- A pedophile is often a predator who if he/she could, would harm a child in the worst possible way scaring the child for life.

Kasz: Yes, we are nothing different than predators, who use every opportunity to harm children!

- EVERY single fucking child molester and pedophile and anyone that would think for even a second that having sex with a child is alright should be brought out back and shot in the back of the head.

Reaction to previous text:
- Are you just going to go around shooting people at random? Perhaps you can read their minds? Perhaps you've got some kind of grand rationalization that allows you to identify a pedophile, so that you can take it upon yourself to be judge, jury, and executioner. ... all without them actually having committed a crime. Whether you like it or not, there is no law against the thoughts and ideas that people may have in their heads.

- You said that pedophiles generally have, "lower IQ than the general population". Consider that the community of those who are sexually drawn to children but who do not act out are very difficult to identify and study. Could it be that intelligence is a protective factor allowing the more intellectually endowed the ability to override their feelings? The claims of low IQ are based on studies of prisoners, which are clearly not representative of the larger population of pedophiles.

I am a pedophile (http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk)

- Do mods report IP addresses to the relevant authorities in such cases as this?

- Why should they? Paedophilia isn't illegal.

- Stop comparing yourself to normal people, having jacked off to children already means you cant control your urge at all, what if next time ur urge gets stronger, and their just happens to be a young child around. If i knew who you were i would run you out of town and never let you near any kids. its a pity your inferior genes werent detected and aborted. And you're too dangerous and sick to ever have kids or be near one.

- seek help. don't rely on your self-control. what if you lose control? the damage will be irreovocable

- I'm attracted to women. I don't need professional advice to stop me committing rape in case I "lose control".

Kasz: Oh, this person is maybe from another planet, where are not any women?

- I have reported your post and urged the administrators to pass on your details to the police.

Kasz: Even we were reported to police many times by people like this poster. And nothing had changed. We are still alive out of the prison. :)

- The fact that you can masturbate at videos of a 5 year old girl rape/sexual assault is disgusting. Yeah, take your own life.

- You really shouldn't instruct people to commit suicide over the internet. You know if they actually did it, you could be prosecuted?

- You have already admitted to possession of child porn. It's only a matter of time before you commit physical abuse on children.

Kasz: Yes, it doesn't depend on my will, it is only a matter of time...

I think I am a pedophile (en.allexperts.com)

Hi. I am 24 years old. I am single . I don't got a problem since 2 weeks ago. I went to my friend Pat's house . He is married and has got 2 twin daughters. I visit him nearly everyday . But 2 weeks ago, something weird happened. We were in a room with him and his daughters . He leave the room for a minute . And his daughters started to play together . And oddly I found that ... kind of sexy ? That didn't happened to me before . I wanted to touch them . Then i felt very, very strange and get out of the house quickly. I was so scared . Later I started to find all little girls attractive . I feel like i want to sex when i saw a little girl! That was so strange and i am so scared. I don't talk to nobody. I don't answer my phone calls. What will happen if i rape a kid? I don't want to be a pedophile or get to the jail! I want my old life back! But i can't stop myself! Why did this happened to me? Why i don't felt like that before?

It's quite possible you always had the tendency and it's just now coming to the surface.
Two things you must do:
1: Avoid kids as much as possible.
2: Find a therapist right away, this is very serious and if not treated may ruin the rest of your life.
Go to your family doctor if you have one and ask for a sex therapist- and go from there. If you don't have a family doctor, go to a hospital and inquire there.

Kasz: And what he should tell to hospital staff? Hello, my name is Homer Simpson and I am pedophile, please, where can I find doctor, who will cure me? And when he meets some child alone on the street, who is obviously seeking help from adult person, he has to run away from that place and don't take care about that child? Very good!

Am I Becoming A Pedophile? (psychcentral.com)

I’m a 23 year old male, and I have kind of a strange question for you. So, when I was younger and growing up, I was improved in a youth leadership development program. When I got too old to participate in it as one of the kids, I became one of the adult leaders. I am now finding myself getting involved in more and more youth groups, everything from youth leadership development groups to youth community service groups. I do have feelings for these kids, but not in any sexual way. These feelings are more like the way I feel about family or close friends. I don’t have any types of “sexual fantasies” about these kids, and I would never hurt one of them in any way. I want to help them and see them be the absolute best person that they can be. In my occupation as a firefighter/paramedic, I always want to be the one on the pediatric calls just because in my mind I believe that I can care for them better than others at my department and I want the kids to get the best possible care (which in all reality, the other paramedics can give just as good of care). So, my question is, since I am obsessed with kids and youth groups, am I becoming a pedophile?

Pedophilia involves the sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally under the age of 13. ...

No information was provided about your sexual history or sexual orientation but you did explicitly state that you do not have sexual fantasies about children. You also stated that you feel about these children the way you feel about close friends and family. I cannot know this with certainty because of the very limited information provided but in the absence of sexual attraction toward children, it seems unlikely that you are at risk of becoming a pedophile.

Pedophilia is a horrific crime that ruins the lives of innocent children, families and communities. If you continue to be concerned about this issue, then meet with a mental health professional for an evaluation. Let me emphatically state that you have a responsibility to take every conceivable precaution to prevent the harm of innocent children. Please take care.
Dr. Kristina Randle

Kasz: In the first paragraph Dr. Randle writes, that pedophilia involves the sexual attraction to children, in the last paragraph writes, that pedophilia is a horrific crime. Dear Dr. Randle, where's the truth then - is pedophilia crime or sexual attraction?

POCD vs. Pedophilia (psychcentral.com)

Is there difference, if any, between POCD and true pedophilia? How does one know which they have? If someone is a pedophile, should they seek therapy or have themselves locked away?

... Having the thoughts of POCD doesn’t make a person a pedophile. Molesting children does. ...
Dr. Marie

Kasz: I am pedophile attracted to girls, so according to Dr. Marie I molest children. Super!

Attracted to Girls Way Too Young (psychcentral.com)

I’m 15, and for almost a year now I’ve had this issue with girls around the age of 6 to 8. I find them extremely sexually arousing and I can’t help myself but thinking about them. I’ve had plenty of girlfriends my age, but this just seems different. I’m worried about how later in life, if this will go away or not. Even my little neighbor, who cant be even 10 yet, I have fantasies about taking advantage of her innocence into having sex. I know this is horrible, and I even feel guilty constantly, but I can’t seem to help it. Also, when I see an older woman, about 25, who is very good looking, I don’t find them sexually attracting at all, unless they have a very childish look and feel to them. Even my close friend, who has a sister in 8th grade, I cannot get over how attractive she is, and how much I wish I could have her. I hope that this site could give some useful advise, as I love what you do to help so many people. Thank you ahead of time, hope you get to read this and help me out.

... It is never appropriate to be attracted to young children. Young children are nonsexual beings. Having any sexual contact with a minor is inappropriate and illegal. Your sexual attraction to children is a problem and the sooner it can be dealt with the better. ... Technically, an individual is only considered a pedophile if he or she has engaged in sexual activity with a prepubescent child. Based on your letter, you are attracted to prepubescent children but have not acted on your desires. Thus you would not be considered a true pedophile but without treatment you are at risk for pedophilia. ...
Dr. Kristina Randle

Kasz: Dear Dr. Randle, from what age of a girl is appropriate for me to be attracted to her?
Young children are nonsexual beings? So they are not boys or girls, because they don't have sex (gender)? And also, as wrote Dr. Marie, pedophile is an person, who have committed child sexual abuse? So why approx. 90% of child sexual abuse (according to sexologists) commit non-pedophiles?

Interested in Young Children (psychcentral.com)

I am interested in little children. I realise the illegality of this issue, and will not in any way do anything with a child, however, I get very turned on when looking at pictures of little girls (aged 3 – 8). My wife does not mind this (and she even supplies me with pictures) and she understands I will never do anything to a child. What I am worried about is, not what I may do in the future (as I won’t do anything), but more of what will happen to me if people find out about my particular sexual orientation.
I maybe a pedophile, as the technical term would be, but I am not a child molester, and never will be.
What am I to think?

"It’s abnormal to be aroused by children. ...

If I met with you in person I’d also want to know the following: How often do you view photos of young children? Have you done this your entire life? When did it start? Has your desire to view these pictures increased over time? If the desire has increased did your viewing of the pictures increase? These questions are relevant because it would help me to establish whether your desire has increased in strength. You believe that your desire to look at pictures will not escalate to the point where you might actually attempt to live out your fantasy but sexual desire is very strong. The libido is very powerful and if left unchecked there could be a time when you actually attempt to have sex with a child. It’s important to assess whether you may be a danger to others.

Do you work in a profession where children are present? Do you have children? If not, are you planning to have children? These questions are important because if there are children present in your life it’s possible that they’d be at risk for sexual abuse. Individuals who are attracted to children often place themselves in situations where they are close to them. This is unfortunately how many children are victimized.

As I mentioned before the attraction to young children is unnatural and abnormal. “Normal” fantasies among most men include being attracted to females who are older and who have the ability to reproduce. Fundamentally sex is about reproduction. When a man is attracted to a female who is unable to reproduce it’s a sign of a potentially serious problem."

Kasz: Dear Dr. Randle, when a man is attracted to a 45 years old female, is it abnormal? According to your aswer, yes. Because the female after menopause is not fertile at all. And what about 10, 11 or 12 year old girl, who had menarche yet? These girl have also ability to reproduce - so when I fantasize about these girls, is it normal? Your answer is quite inconsistent.

Adult Male Attracted to Young Boys (psychcentral.com)

"I’m still young, since I’m only 19. My parents are divorced, and I live with my mom. I can talk to my dad whenever I want, but his wife (my step-mom) is very controlling an makes me want to avoid him. My grandfather was a child molester, though I don’t remember him ever molesting me. I DO remember him taking pictures of me naked, but nothing else. It didn’t seem to be very traumatic at all though. However I still have a sexual desire for boys around the age of 12 or 13 or so. A therapist I talked to (it wasn’t a full blown weekly thing,..I just talked to her three times, and that was it.) said that something happened at that age that stunted my sexual development, and now I am stuck at that age sexually. I agree with her conclusion because it would explain all my feelings such as my feeling that my body hair is unnatural and that it makes me feel dirty, and that people the same age as my body are intimidating to make friends with. 13 yr olds are much easier to make friends with for me as well. I have no idea what it was. Luckily I also have another paraphilia, which is called partialism (fetishism). So, I’m not sexually interested in getting into boy’s pants at all, but instead inside their socks. I would imagine this to be good because sexual activity involving their feet would be less harmful (if at all) than sexual activity involving their penis or butt. However, its still not socially acceptable. I keep getting older and my desires do not. I don’t think I’ll ever become a child molester…but I also think I’ll never be happy, which really makes me feel worthless. I don’t know why. I think the therapy for pedophilia is the same as the “therapy” to “cure” homosexuality. It includes shock-treatment, reconditioning, and such things. Its only successful sometimes, and is still quite damaging whether successful or not. That’s what I’ve read at least. Please help me. I don’t want to harm anyone now, or later down the road."

"This is a problem that cannot be ignored. It should not be minimized. You are an adult male attracted to young boys. To engage in sexual relations with a child, male or female, who is underage is illegal. ... Because you know you are attracted to young boys and things associated with them, it is your responsibility to avoid any and all contact or interaction with them.

It’s not uncommon for individuals attracted to children to place themselves in circumstances where they might interact with them. For instance they might become coach of a junior high school basketball team. This allows them to be in the company of children or adolescents, the object of their desire. But it’s a slippery slope. The sexual urge can be very powerful.

... As I mentioned in the previous paragraph you must avoid any and all contact with young males. As a responsible, law-abiding adult you must not allow yourself to be in their presence under any circumstances."

Kasz: Dear Dr. Randle, OK, tomorrow I will terminate my employment as basic school teacher. (And then I commit suicide. All people all over the world will be happy, that there's one less pedophile.)

"With therapy you can learn to re-route your sexual urges. You need a new sexual outlet. You can essentially retrain yourself to be attracted to something or persons other than young boys."

Kasz: It is very interesting, that the world-renowned sexologist don't know, how to change the object of sexual attraction, but you, dear Dr. Randle, know about such "therapy". May be someone could propose you to the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
Československá pedofilní komunita – již 13 let s Vámi! ❤️💙
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Re: What must pedophile do according to people in discussion

Nový příspěvek od efix »

If efix may add a few comments as well :)
try to find a job and a lifestyle where you just don't encounter kids at all.
How does this ensure that one day I won't slip?
The only certainty would be my death, wouldn't it?
The author focuses on identifying pedophiles (who are not necessarily child molesters) to treat them and try to stop them from becoming child molesters.
Every peadophile will become a child molester... again? Finding a single one who never molests a child disproves your theory :)
A pedophile is often a predator who if he/she could, would harm a child in the worst possible way scaring the child for life.
is this how you actually see us? To you we are not people, right? How should we feel now? I actually see a fine logic in there: make paedophiles feel as bad as possible about themselves, make them commit suicide and since every paedophile abuses a child someday, we've just saved a child! Hooray team paedo-haters!
EVERY single fucking child molester and pedophile and anyone that would think for even a second that having sex with a child is alright should be brought out back and shot in the back of the head.
Especially those 12yo boys who dream about sleeping with their 12yo classmates! Those are the worst!!
Stop comparing yourself to normal people, having jacked off to children already means you cant control your urge at all, what if next time ur urge gets stronger, and their just happens to be a young child around. If i knew who you were i would run you out of town and never let you near any kids. its a pity your inferior genes werent detected and aborted. And you're too dangerous and sick to ever have kids or be near one.
Ok, so the fact that I masturbate using pictures of children means I can't control my urges and am going to rape them in the future? If I didn't masturbate using these pictures or thoughts, then I would be OK? Wouldn't that make me a boiling pot of sexual urges? Any by the way, since many of us won't probably marry, our "inferior genes" won't be transmited. Happy?
seek help. don't rely on your self-control. what if you lose control? the damage will be irreovocable
What help? As I said, the only certainty is my death.
Kasz: Even we were reported to police many times by people like this poster. And nothing had changed. We are still alive out of the prison.
Cell B4 hails E7! How are you today? :)
The fact that you can masturbate at videos of a 5 year old girl rape/sexual assault is disgusting. Yeah, take your own life.
Masturbating to a video of 25yo being raped is ok? What about a video of a 25yo posing? 15yo? 10yo? Where exactly is the limit?
You have already admitted to possession of child porn. It's only a matter of time before you commit physical abuse on children.
Watch out! Possessing adult porn will one day inevitably result in raping a woman!
Seriously - does someone actually beliebe this flawed logic?
1: Avoid kids as much as possible.
2: Find a therapist right away, this is very serious and if not treated may ruin the rest of your life.
Go to your family doctor if you have one and ask for a sex therapist- and go from there. If you don't have a family doctor, go to a hospital and inquire there.

Kasz: And what he should tell to hospital staff? Hello, my name is Homer Simpson and I am pedophile, please, where can I find doctor, who will cure me? And when he meets some child alone on the street, who is obviously seeking help from adult person, he has to run away from that place and don't take care about that child? Very good!
I actually think this is a reasonably good advice for this particular case. He is afraid, thinks about having sex with a child and hasn't yet found the balance. Avoiding children for some time might be a good idea as well as seeking professional help.
aving the thoughts of POCD doesn’t make a person a pedophile. Molesting children does. ...
Dr. Marie

Kasz: I am pedophile attracted to girls, so according to Dr. Marie I molest children. Super!
Wrong. According to Marie you become paedophile after you molest a child. I read the whole article and this lady really messes with the terms...
... It is never appropriate to be attracted to young children. Young children are nonsexual beings.
And that's why they masturbate, right?
Kasz: Dear Dr. Randle, from what age of a girl is appropriate for me to be attracted to her?
Yeeaah...everybody knows that!! That's the common sense, man! :)
My wife does not mind this (and she even supplies me with pictures)
Oh I wish I had a wife like that :)
"It’s abnormal to be aroused by children. ...
30% of men... is that so abnormal?
Individuals who are attracted to children often place themselves in situations where they are close to them.
You don't say? :)
Because you know you are attracted to young boys and things associated with them, it is your responsibility to avoid any and all contact or interaction with them.
As a responsible, law-abiding adult you must not allow yourself to be in their presence under any circumstances.
As a responsible, law-abiding adult I should probably never step out of my home. I could harm someone in the street or violate a law. Screw this manipulative answer!
And then I commit suicide. All people all over the world will be happy, that there's one less pedophile.
And don't forget the child you would one day rape! That child will be saved!

Bottom line
This was very difficult for me to read. Such stupid and short-sighted suggestions. It all points to suicide as the best solution. And they call themselves specialists...