Upozorňuji na velkou závislost uvedených zdrojů.Although what causes pedophilia is not yet known, beginning in 2002, researchers began reporting a series of findings linking pedophilia with brain structure and function: Pedophilic men have lower IQs,[76][77][78] poorer scores on memory tests,[77] greater rates of non-right-handedness,[76][77][79][80] greater rates of school grade failure over and above the IQ differences,[81] lesser physical height,[82] greater probability of having suffered childhood head injuries resulting in unconsciousness,[65][83] and several differences in MRI-detected brain structures.[84][85][86]
Za povšimnutí stojí, že podle http://calculated-loss.livejournal.com/13326.html byla jedna ze zmiňovaných studií (Intelligence, memory, and handedness in pedophilia) provedena na pedofilech s nelegálním nebo obtěžujícím sexuálním chováním. Nenašel jsem, jak byla vybrána srovnávací skupina teleofilů. (Najdete-li tuto informaci, doplňte mě.)
Další studie (IQ, Handedness, and Pedophilia in Adult Male Patients Stratified by Referral Source) od stejných autorů by měla potvrzovat předchozí a vyvracet domněnku, že odchylka v IQ je způsobena výběrem osob, ovšem nenašel jsem podrobné informace o metodice studie.2. How were the participants selected to be in the study?
The participants were selected from 527 male patients with illegal or disturbing sexual behavior deemed of psychophysiological nature at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The criteria included charges, convictions, credible accusations and self-disclosures of criminal sexual behavior. Accusations without corroborating evidence made by an individual standing to gain from criminal charges against the accused and accusations not mentioned at the time of the alleged offense were excluded.
Roughly 10% of the original patients couldn’t participate because of poor English skills, lack of willing consent involving use of clinical assessments, or absences of information regarding sexual behavior or interests beyond self-reports.
Celkem rád bych viděl tu studii, napadá mě alternativní vysvětlení, že skupina s ostatních zdrojů mohou být se svou orientací nevyrovnaní pedofilové, případně pedofilové s jinými problémy, což by se mohlo projevit na výsledcích IQ testů. Nevysvětluje to však vyšší míru levorukosti.This study investigated whether the previously observed association of pedophilia with lower IQs is an artifact of heterogeneity in referral source. The subjects were 832 adult male patients referred to a specialty clinic for evaluation of their sexual behavior. The patients’ erotic preferences for prepubescent, pubescent, or adult partners were assessed with phallometric testing. Full scale IQ was estimated using six subtests from the WAIS-R. The results showed that the relations between pedophilia and lower IQ, lesser education, and increased rates of non-righthandedness were the same in homogeneous groups referred by lawyers or parole and probation officers as they were in a heterogeneous group referred by a miscellany of other sources. Those results, along with secondary analyses in the study, supported the conclusion that the relation between pedophilia and cognitive function is genuine and not artifactual. The findings were interpreted as evidence for the hypothesis that neurodevelopmental perturbations increase the risk of pedophilia in males.
Budu rád, pokud někdo najde nějaký nezávislý zdroj k tomuto tématu.