Little Girl Smell!

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Little Girl Smell!

Nový příspěvek od Tabitha »

I had a startling revelation today!

Frozen Strawberries smell like Little Girls.

If you analyze the chemical constituents of Frozen Strawberry smell, you will find an identical corresponding pheromone molecule put off by girl children.

*goes back to huffing bag of Frozen Strawberries *prankster*
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Re: Little Girl Smell!

Nový příspěvek od Tabitha »

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Re: Little Girl Smell!

Nový příspěvek od Tabitha »

Chicken McNuggets!? ;D
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Re: Little Girl Smell!

Nový příspěvek od Tabitha »

Little Girl Feet smells like roses.

Scientific fact. ;)
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Re: Little Girl Smell!

Nový příspěvek od efix »

Tabitha has a funny sense of smell.

Fact. :D
Dítě je úžasná bytost. Dej mu najevo lásku, ale opatrně. Zájmy dítěte jsou důležitější než tvoje. I když bys měl možná rád víc než jen pusu, nemůžeš. Nesmíš. Zradil bys sám sebe a ublížil tomu, koho jsi miloval. Nepodporuj tedy ubližování dětem ani jeho produkty, dětskou pornografii.
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Re: Little Girl Smell!

Nový příspěvek od Tabitha »

I wanna know what you think they smell like efix.
Like, their hair. Past the shampoo smell, past the normal person hair smell, there's an underlying smell, almost like newborn baby smell, but girl smell, like wildflowers. very different than boy smell.
In fact I think boy smell is kinda repulsive to GirlLovers, me at least...
Like girl smell probably is repulsive to BoyLovers.
At least those who are sensitive enough to react to pheromones.

If boys or girls don't smell good to you, it probably means you're not paying attention because you don't really love them enough.

If you take a little girls foot, and wash it off in water really good, and then take a big huge sniff!
Roses. @}->--

And, and... when she farts.
Fudge brownies.
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Výkřik do tmy: I am a 24-year-old pedophile man who is attracted to little girls. I am suffering from depression. I like art, music, books and computer games.
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Re: Little Girl Smell!

Nový příspěvek od Karamello »

Tabitha píše: úterý 16. 4. 2013, 1:17:53 I had a startling revelation today!
Frozen Strawberries smell like Little Girls.
If you analyze the chemical constituents of Frozen Strawberry smell, you will find an identical corresponding pheromone molecule put off by girl children.
I know exactly what you mean :) Little girls have a wonderful, heavenly smell *girl_sigh*
Tabitha píše: úterý 7. 5. 2013, 22:58:50 Little Girl Feet smells like roses.

Scientific fact. ;)
Absolutely *girl_in_love*
Tabitha píše: čtvrtek 9. 5. 2013, 6:23:51 And, and... when she farts.
Fudge brownies.
Absolute masterpiece *girl_haha*