Do you have a fetish?

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Leonardo Barca
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Do you have a fetish?

Nový příspěvek od Leonardo Barca »

Hello everyone,

I apologize if this question might be a little bit dark but I wanted to know how many of you have some fetishes in their sexual fantasies.

I guess that it is against the rules of the board to describe sexual fantasies in detail so you can just give a word about a fetish you have.
For example you could say "Sadism", "Feet" and so on without describing anything.

I'm curious to hear your fetishes.

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Re: Do you have a fetish?

Nový příspěvek od Dreamer »

I’m afraid this really is for another forum :-)
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Marco Freeman
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Re: Do you have a fetish?

Nový příspěvek od Marco Freeman »

As Dreamer said, I don't think that this is the right place to discuss our sexual fantasies, even though you are not asking about detail description, but just "a word". Sexual fantasies are something you should discuss in private, if that's necessary, not on a public forum, which is constantly visited by non-pedophile visitors.

It was few years ago when one of the users started the discussion about our sexual fantasies in general on our forum and his idea wasn't approved either. Even though pedophilia is about sexual preference as well and that means probably every pedophile has some sexual fantasies, on our forum we try our best not to communicate about children in sexual, inappropriate way.

So, as I said, it is something you should discuss more likely in some private discussion between friends. :)
Marco Freeman,
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Re: Do you have a fetish?

Nový příspěvek od Myš »

I'm surprised about the reactions. I don't see any issue in replying to the given question without going into too much detail. We have some topics here mentioning BDSM or fetishes, eg. a topic about pedophilic sadism. Sure it's a touchy subject, but noone suggests describing any indecency. And since I know Leonardo Barca from other CL forum I am sure his intention isn't to cause any controversy.

I don't have any significant fetish. I like to observe boys calves in summer but I don't think it's near to what's usually ment by fetish. I'm vanilla and romantic in my fantasies but aware that some softer BDSM practises can turn me on, what I find rather common and unsurprising.
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Re: Do you have a fetish?

Nový příspěvek od simgiran »

I agree with Myš here. Graphic sexual fantasies - no, speaking about what one is into - why not?
I am into BDSM, mostly the control aspect of it, I like being submissive. I am into orgasm denial, chastity belt, tease and denial play. I like pet play, especially dog play. I am slightly into pain, nothing too extreme, mostly CBT, I like sensory deprivation and bondage as a tool for other play (not that much into bondage just for bondage). Also cuckolding, furries, semen, urine, diapers, sissification, urethral sounding, electroplay, deepthroat, somewhat latex and similar stuff, feet, age play. Also I can be aroused by fantasy of sex with animals, male dogs and horses especially.
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Re: Do you have a fetish?

Nový příspěvek od Karamello »

I have a number of fetishes ;) I think many people have fetishes and they are an important part of sexuality. BDSM is very interesting, especially taking the submissive part. Pet play, bondage, feet, urine. I think it is an interesting way of making sex more interesting. Everything is in my mind of course, in my fantasies, I would never do that with a real child *g*
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Re: Do you have a fetish?

Nový příspěvek od Kasz »

I somehow didn't notice and missed the argument of Marco Freeman, who wrote that this is not the right place to discuss our sexual fantasies.

I also have some fantasies and I don't want to show them to others. But may be others want to share this stuff in honest way with others. If there will be statement in the post, that these fantasies about children can't be realized because it may hurt them, we can discuss our kinks or fantasies in theoretically way. It isn't something what will force anyone to do some bad behavior, you have to know, that you have to behave to children like they are children.

May be I can tell that I sometimes have some fantasies before I go to sleep. It helps myself to relief sexual thoughts and I sleep very well then.

So discussion about kinks and fantasies is allowed in strictly honest way. Administrators will keep their eyes on. Thank you for understanding. :)
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