How taboo are these sexual fetishes?

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How taboo are these sexual fetishes?

Nový příspěvek od Bouře »

How taboo are these sexual fetishes? And how much are people into them? This is quite interesting graph. :)

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Výkřik do tmy: I am a 24-year-old pedophile man who is attracted to little girls. I am suffering from depression. I like art, music, books and computer games.
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Re: How taboo are these sexual fetishes?

Nový příspěvek od Karamello »

Bouře píše: čtvrtek 23. 5. 2024, 23:02:12 How taboo are these sexual fetishes? And how much are people into them? This is quite interesting graph. :)
Very interesting graph, thank you :)
What is interesting is that pre-puberty children are named as a fetish. And unsurprisingly they are very taboo, even more than with animals or incest.
Personally, having a thing for children is not a "fetish" but its own sexuality. Because a fetish is just one aspect of your sexuality. *dance*
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Max Weber
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Re: How taboo are these sexual fetishes?

Nový příspěvek od Max Weber »

Oh my gosh, why haven’t I stumbled upon this thread earlier?
That is one of the most fascinating graph I have seen ever regarding sexual preference!

Post about newer version:
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Re: How taboo are these sexual fetishes?

Nový příspěvek od Rosalie »

Oh my gosh, what a delicate graph! I agree with both of you guys, Max and Karamello, first I would also consider pedophilia more likely as a full-developed sexual orientation (just with the exception of very risky love-sharing), and the thing that I've never seen such interesting piece of research before.

Away from these classics like "maids" and "hands" which are so common they are basically a stereotypes, I found some more surprising kinks, like for example "shoulders". And I saw that "nazis" are preferred nearly the same as "horses". :D
However, the fact that I find as being the most hilarious and even chilling is the 4+ preference rating of women enjoying the imagination of being raped and for males vise versa (commit rape). I know it is already a pretty well documented that women (I hope only "some") do have these fantasies, though most of them would sure not enjoy actual rape. Yet still it somewhat seems to me that these fetishes (being such common) must have developed somehow either during the childhood or teen years (even first relationship). It just seems there might be some (maybe significant) influence of experience. What do you think guys? *think*

Thank you so much, Bouře, for another insightful thread!
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Max Weber
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Re: How taboo are these sexual fetishes?

Nový příspěvek od Max Weber »

Rosalie píše: středa 25. 12. 2024, 21:37:31 Yet still it somewhat seems to me that these fetishes (being such common) must have developed somehow either during the childhood or teen years (even first relationship). It just seems there might be some (maybe significant) influence of experience. What do you think guys? *think*
I am not sure. Why should fantasies of rape be different? There are so many weird fantasies people have for apparrently no reason, why shoes, violence and ropes, but not rape?
Remember it is only the idea and the fantasy that is perceived as arousing.
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"Ano, máti."

jo a taky ráda píšu poezii
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Re: How taboo are these sexual fetishes?

Nový příspěvek od Rosalie »

Max Weber píše: neděle 5. 1. 2025, 18:22:11 I am not sure. Why should fantasies of rape be different? There are so many weird fantasies people have for apparrently no reason, why shoes, violence and ropes, but not rape?
Remember it is only the idea and the fantasy that is perceived as arousing.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. And I got you, I can see where you're coming from, and sure, why should they? Why shall some fetishes be seen as more "serious" than the rest? And I agree on that. As long as one keeps it in his mind only (when commiting results in violating the will of another), I see no problem there. Though, the thing I was wondering about, even though it might not really be like that, I think to some kind, those fantasies in women (those very specific; a woman being very submisive) could have something to do with some early life experience. For example, in women and girls surviving sexual or domestic (not necesarily "sexual") violence, would they naturally find themselves more comfy in such positions? In submision?
That was my little point. Not sure if me and us in society would ever have the answer. I might be foolish as well. Anyway, to sum up, thanks for sharing, I appreciate your thoughts! :)