The Golden Pedobear Award

Section of the forum for English discussion about pedophilia.
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The Golden Pedobear Award

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Max suggested on Virped to create an award for the worst article about pedophilia/pedobephiles in media. I suggested to call the award the Golden Pedobear (with the possibility of adding Silver and Bronze Pedobears). Anyone can suggest an article, it should come from some influential source (but it doesn't have to if the article is so bad it's actually pretty funny). Only English language articles are accepted. The nominations for the award will be collected until the end of the year, the winner(s) will be announced at the beginning of next year. The voting mechanism hasn't been decided yet. It may be a public poll or we may create a team of judges. But don't worry, in any case your opinions will be taken into a consideration. If you want to nominate someone, you can do it by posting a link to this topic, I will create a list of nominations here and also post the nominations from here to Virped forum. The best way to support a nomination is to sum up and explain what is wrong on the article, the form of parody of the article is welcome.

The nominations so far: (last update: 20th June 2015)
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Re: The Golden Pedobear Award

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A new nominee! It's Child Sexual Abuse and Pedophilia on eMedicineHealts. My main reason for a nomination is that it's written by a medical doctor and reviewed by a medical doctor. Which gives the article more credit.

Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 3/17/2015
Medical Author: David Perlstein, MD, MBA, FAAP
Medical Editor: Roxanne Dryden-Edwards, MD
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Re: The Golden Pedobear Award

Nový příspěvek od simgiran »

Reasons for current nominations:
  • 10 tips to protect your child from a pedophile
    • Presenting pedophiles as cold-blooded manipulators, presenting the outlier studies of sex offenders against children ("Pedophiles spend years building their reputation in a community before ever touching a child." "With polygraphed interviews, “high risk” pedophiles admit to an average of 120 sex acts with children before they are caught the first time. “Low risk” pedophiles, the ones who don’t go to jail, but serve probation instead, admit to an astonishing 198 sex acts with children before they are caught the first time (2)." Even if you replace "pedophiles" with "sex offenders against children", the resulting picture is still horribly black and white, far from reality.)
  • What ISIS Learned From Pedophiles
    • For saying in between the lines "Those guys from ISIS are the same monsters as pedophiles." Presenting (implicitly) horrible stuff some pedophiles do simply as something pedophiles (in general). Omitting that what ISIS do has been done many times by various extremist religious and other ideological groups.
  • How paedophile rings operate in Australia
    • Again, non only misusing the term pedophile for sex offenders against children but presenting the stereotypical image of master manipulators. ("Paedophiles are experts at deception and carefully select their victims who, more often than not, fly under the radar, unpunished, for decades." "“They’re masters at manipulation and manipulate everyone around the safety of children.”")
    • Spreading unfounded claims. ("She hadn’t seen evidence of paedophile rings but was aware they “supported each other” — and their modus operandi was built around calculating moves to win the trust of children and their family, then isolate them and finally, abuse them.")
    • Fueling hysteria by picking the worst crime case as an example ("Paedophiles could strike at any time when an opportunity presented itself, such as what may have happened to William Tyrrell and what did happen to Queensland 13-year-old Daniel Morcombe in 2003, who was abducted and murdered by paedophile Brett Cowan.")
  • Child Sexual Abuse and Pedophilia
    • Mixing terms pedophilia and sex offenses against children, which would normally not deserve a nomination (journalists do it all the time). However, this is an article written by a medical doctor and reviewed by a medical doctor and they definitely should have known better. Elegantly contradicting itself in just two following sentences. ("Pedophilia is a form of child sexual abuse. It is a condition which is defined as an adult who has sexual interest in children." "The law does not tolerate pedophilia.")
    • Claiming that without treatment one will surely end up badly. ("Pedophilia, although a mental disorder, if not resisted, repressed, and treated, will result in the most severe legal consequences.")
    • Presenting an extremely wide spectrum of acts as sexual abuse. ("Looking at children either with or without clothes with the intent to be sexually aroused is also included.")
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Re: The Golden Pedobear Award

Nový příspěvek od simgiran »

A new nomination has been made by a member of Virped. It's article Number of paedophiles in Britain will shock public, warns Deputy Children’s Commissioner for England. He gave following reasons for the nomination:
  • No difference is being made between pedophiles and child sex offenders. This makes it hard to interpret the article - do they actually think that all pedophiles should be imprisoned (in this case: yes, there probably will not be enough space to do this) or are they really talking about child molesters? The article never uses the word "paedophile" in a direct quote so it is not even clear whether Mrs. Berelowitz actually made those statements as the Telegraph reports it or if she was striclty talking about sex offenders.
  • Stating that (child) pornography is the cause of child abuse
  • Fear mongering and dramatization. Here are some quotes from the article: "Child sex abuse is so rife in Britain that there is not enough land in the country to build the number of prisons needed to house the perpetrators", "The figures when I report in November are going to be very shocking indeed", "“If the CPS were to prosecute everyone we would need a rolling prison programme. I would say there probably isn’t the land to build enough prisons"
  • "She claimed that anyone could be a paedophile with the right emotional triggers". I think this one stands on its own.

This article seems to have gained a lot of attention in very little time with already >70 comments that have been posted. Most of them suggest to deal with the stated "problem" either with murder, deportation or mutilation. I think you can savely say that this article is harmful to the public's understanding of pedophilia and child sexual abuse.
Kofola Nizozemi
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Re: The Golden Pedobear Award

Nový příspěvek od Kofola Nizozemi »

simgiran píše:A new nomination has been made by a member of Virped. It's article Number of paedophiles in Britain will shock public, warns Deputy Children’s Commissioner for England. He gave following reasons for the nomination:
  • No difference is being made between pedophiles and child sex offenders. This makes it hard to interpret the article - do they actually think that all pedophiles should be imprisoned (in this case: yes, there probably will not be enough space to do this) or are they really talking about child molesters? The article never uses the word "paedophile" in a direct quote so it is not even clear whether Mrs. Berelowitz actually made those statements as the Telegraph reports it or if she was striclty talking about sex offenders.
  • Stating that (child) pornography is the cause of child abuse
  • Fear mongering and dramatization. Here are some quotes from the article: "Child sex abuse is so rife in Britain that there is not enough land in the country to build the number of prisons needed to house the perpetrators", "The figures when I report in November are going to be very shocking indeed", "“If the CPS were to prosecute everyone we would need a rolling prison programme. I would say there probably isn’t the land to build enough prisons"
  • "She claimed that anyone could be a paedophile with the right emotional triggers". I think this one stands on its own.

This article seems to have gained a lot of attention in very little time with already >70 comments that have been posted. Most of them suggest to deal with the stated "problem" either with murder, deportation or mutilation. I think you can savely say that this article is harmful to the public's understanding of pedophilia and child sexual abuse.
Yes, you should nominate those crazy Brits.

Even a Dutch newspaper speaks about Inquisition when they discuss the current British attitude towards children. The victims from this paranoia and Inquisition are the children themselves.

change nrc into http

Nrc is a regular newsagency, well known in the Netherlands. And indeed the word Inquisition is absolutely correct in this case.
Naposledy upravil(a) Kasz dne úterý 2. 6. 2015, 8:19:11, celkem upraveno 1 x.
Důvod: Please, give hyperlinks between URL tag. And give the correct www address, there is no reason to show "nrc" instead of "http"
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Re: The Golden Pedobear Award

Nový příspěvek od aliceday365 »

The last two posts. Wow. I have more reason than ever to increasingly absolutely hate the UK. The U.S. used to be on the forefront about witch hunts, but the Brits are taking it to a new level, comparable to the Nazis hunting down Jews openly in the streets in WWII. They will apparently stop at nothing.
Then again, it was the Brits that "discovered America" (they were no there first, it was an explorer ("viking") called Leifr Eiríksson). Only while discovering and "settling", they murdered thousands of Native Americans along the way. So yeah, the Brits are peaceful... It seems they have a war on everything that isn't "moral", whatever it may be. Can we please remove the UK from Europe and the EU?
However it seems there are two "camps" in the UK. The first one is those who act like they are Gods and rules over everyone, and then the others are those who disagree and want to go in another direction. They seem to be few, because things get worse all the time in the UK, so from the outside, it seems that people either agree with the bad development, or they are ignorant, oblivious, uneducated or afraid. I don't know.
I would never set my foot in that country though. Even if I was payed a LOT of money.
Sad thing, since the UK are a member of the EU, other countries may follow.
I just want to flip all the madness off and say "we go our way!" *fuck* *fuck* *fuck*
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Re: The Golden Pedobear Award

Nový příspěvek od simgiran »

Two nominations by Virped members with reasons for nomination given by them:

New kind of online paedophilia
  • The title. Seriously, "online pedophilia"? That's a new one. What does it even mean?
  • This article is about people viewing images of people torturing children (or watching it in real time and even interacting with the torturer and making "requests" for what to do next to the child). While that is absolutely horrible and abhorrent, and it makes me want to throw up just thinking about it, it says nothing about there being any sexual component to the things done to the kids.
  • Thus, the only thing talking about pedophilia in this article accomplishes is painting all pedophiles as sadistic monsters that enjoy seeing children suffer and be tortured in front of their eyes. While there could be some pedophiles (and I guess there are) that are also sadists, this in no way represents the majority of pedophiles. Also, I assume a general sadist that enjoys seeing people being tortured would not really care whether the subject of the torture is an adult or a child.
  • All in all, the word pedophilia should not have been used at all in this article.
Life Of Crime: Paedophilia And The Need To Protect Children
  • Promisingly enough this article starts by giving the correct definition of pedophilia and distinguishing the attraction from the act. In the next paragraph however the author completely throws the official definition out of the window and comes up with his own: "Paedophilia is defined as a sexual relationship between an adult over 18 and a child under 16". According to him this is "much clearer" and "removes all confusion". It is obvious that Dr. Neville believes that everyone with pedophilic attractions is going to abuse a child.
  • Dr. Neville's justification for his redefinition of the term "pedophile" is the 1997 Sex Offenders Act in England where - according to him - pedophilia is defined as described above. Searching the document for the word "pedophile" or variations thereof does not yield any results.
  • He appears to be wary of (medical) therapy for pedophiles. His reasoning: "the more humane medical approach may encourage the sociopathic, controlling paedophile to use the information for further ludicrous justifications". The way he writes it one can get the impression that treating pedophiles any way other than as despicable monsters means condoning child-adult sexual relationship and giving justifications for those who want to indulge in it.
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Re: The Golden Pedobear Award

Nový příspěvek od simgiran »

I published an article announcing Golden Pedobear Award 2015 winners:

The authors of winning articles were contacted by e-mail and received pretty certificates (in pdf) and will receive links to free view of film Daniel's World.
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Re: The Golden Pedobear Award

Nový příspěvek od Max Weber »

Hey you guys. Anybody know where this article has gone? I understand that „Pedophiles about Pedophilia“ has managed to salvage their articles (or most of them) when the site was taken down. Or was that only due to the individual authors saving and returning their articles to the blog's team?

I want to write about the award on our website and am trying to research its sadly quite short-lived history (so far that is).
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Re: The Golden Pedobear Award

Nový příspěvek od pbd »

Max Weber píše: středa 14. 7. 2021, 19:06:39 Hey you guys. Anybody know where this article has gone? I understand that „Pedophiles about Pedophilia“ has managed to salvage their articles (or most of them) when the site was taken down. Or was that only due to the individual authors saving and returning their articles to the blog's team?

I want to write about the award on our website and am trying to research its sadly quite short-lived history (so far that is).
I don't know, but Internet Archive has it archived.