George W. junior píše:daniel píše:" there is nothing wrong with his sexuality. Problem is, that he doesn't know, how to use it."
Sexuality is simply to use.
It is contact of two naked bodies. Like cutting a tree with iron axe.
What is needed in sexualty is reciprocity.
And love of course.
If you love you do not hurt.
From my point of view contact of the naked bodies is only 1 or 2 percent of sexuality. I will try to explain.
Sexuality of man is driven by testosteron. It leads young boys to compete, to fight one each other, to create hierarchy. It is important is to learn in this young age, that even fight has rules.
If a young boy understand itself, he will use this sexual drive in real live. He will be motivated by his sexuality to do the best he can do, to fight for his place in the world and in the hierarchy, to obtain a good job and to earn enough money. He will be motivated to find sexually attractive woman, to build a house, to protect his family.
Woman's sexuality is different. Woman is not designed to fight and to build house. I don't say she can't do it. Woman fighting for her children is a very dangerous enemy. But woman has another gift, she has ability to turn house into home.
As a final result, man has its place in the world, he has a nice home, beautiful wife and family. And at the end of it, as one or two percent of all, he has a regular sexual life. He has a sexual satisfaction.
My situation is a little bit complicated. I am a pedophile. Event if I have a wife, event if I have regular sexual life, event if I love my wife and event if we don't have any disorder in our sexual life, my sexual desires can never be fully satisfied. It is not a bug. It is a feature. So I have to suffer and to lie to itself, or I have to find another ways, additional ways, for sexual satisfaction.
I have found a few ways. One of them is writing songs for children. I can't explain it, but if I feel sexual desire or frustration, and if I use this sexual desire as a motivation, writing of song takes the sexual frustration away from me. It may sound strange, but in my case writing a song for children is a process, which is initiated by sexual attraction to children and terminated by sexual satisfaction

My sexologist told me, that they call it sublimation.
So for me contact of two naked bodies is only 0,95 percent of my sexuality