Registry of pedophiles in Poland

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George W. junior

Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od George W. junior »

daniel píše: I can go to sexologist and I can say, that I am a pedophile and that my sexuality case me problems in personal life
I am afraid that you mistake the cause and the result.
It's not your sexuality causes problems in your life.
Your sexuality is OK.
The problem is that our culture and therefore society condemn pedophilia as sexual attraction to children.
Of course nobody can prohibit you to love children, but it can not be love with erotic background!
That is the difference between love to children and pedophilia.
There are, however, cultures and societies, and also scientists, that accept such a sexuality. They do not perceive nothing wrong therein.
Every country has its customs.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Kasz »

George W. junior píše:The problem is that our culture and therefore society condemn pedophilia as sexual attraction to children.
Pedophilia is erotic attraction to children, this is nothing to speculate about.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Daniel »

George W. junior píše:
daniel píše: I can go to sexologist and I can say, that I am a pedophile and that my sexuality case me problems in personal life
I am afraid that you mistake the cause and the result.
It's not your sexuality causes problems in your life.
Your sexuality is OK.
I agree. My sexuality is OK. But what I do with it may not be OK.

Iron axe is also OK. It a very usefull tool. I can use it to cut the wood. Or I can hack it into someone's head. Iron axe hacked into someone's head is not problem of the axe. Axe is still OK. The problem is what I did with it.

For me pedophilia is a tool, which can give me strong motivation me to be with children, to take care of the children, to write songs for the children. There is nothing wrong about it. And it is not against czech law. But until I discovered it, until I learned to use my sexuality as a useful tool, my sexuality caused me problems in personal life and I needed a help of sexologist.

Sexuality cause problems to many people. If a man married a woman, promise her love and loyalty, and after that he wants to have sex with another woman and he can't stop thinking about it, his sexuality cause him a problem. And again, there is nothing wrong with his sexuality. Problem is, that he doesn't know, how to use it.
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Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Malý princ
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Daniel »

Kofola Nizozemi píše:Czech have the best beer in the world, they have smazene syr s hranolky, Kofola of course, only a problem is that the Konzum closes at 16 hours, why soo early? Proc? *dont_know*
I agree, czech "smažený sýr s hranolky" is one of the most tasty food in the world. My wife doesn't like it (may be because she is not from Czech Republic), but my daughter does. Each monday afternoon I go with my daughter to local aqua center and after swimming we have fried cheese. I don't understand, how can anyone live without fried cheese ;)

Once time in my life I ordered fried cheese in restaurant in Germany. Never more :!
Všichni dospělí byli nejdříve dětmi. Ale málokdo se na to pamatuje.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Malý princ
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George W. junior

Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od George W. junior »

daniel píše:" there is nothing wrong with his sexuality. Problem is, that he doesn't know, how to use it."
Sexuality is simply to use.
It is contact of two naked bodies. Like cutting a tree with iron axe.
What is needed in sexualty is reciprocity.
And love of course.
If you love you do not hurt.
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Gabriel Svoboda
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Gabriel Svoboda »

When you love, you can hurt very easily.
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Upozornění: Tento uživatel je na trestné lavici, jelikož se jeho chování neslučovalo se základními principy Československé pedofilní komunity. V zájmu zachování kontinuity diskuzí příspěvky zablokovaných uživatelů nemažeme.
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George W. junior

Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od George W. junior »

In my opinion love protects from hurting.
If you love animals eg. dogs you will never hurt them.
The same is with human beings.
Another problem is sex or erotism.
You can express your love in many ways.
Writing songs or tales for children or caressing them.
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Výkřik do tmy: Nejvíc mi vadí předsudečné odsouzení - i když jsem neublížil žádnému dítěti, najdou se lidé, co píšou "postavit ke zdi, kulka to vyřeší". Ne, nevyřeší. Pedofilové, kteří nic nespáchali, zažívají celý život zbytečné utrpení jen z důvodu předsudků. To je třeba změnit. Proto vznikl tenhle web.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Kasz »

George W. junior píše:Sexuality is simply to use. It is contact of two naked bodies. Like cutting a tree with iron axe.
No, sexuality is not only the contact of two naked bodies. It is much more, and I think the physical contact is somethink like cherry on the cake. The main essence of sexuallity is love = to want the good for other person.
George W. junior píše:If you love you do not hurt.
This is a bit of an alibi claim. Also love can hurt If the person who loves somebody doesn't have empathy or if the "target" person is not mentally ready to live deep relational love.
Československá pedofilní komunita – již 13 let s Vámi! ❤️💙
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Výkřik do tmy: O každé dívence smýšlej, chovej se k ní a jednej s ní tak, jako by to byla tvoje milovaná dcera.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Daniel »

George W. junior píše:
daniel píše:" there is nothing wrong with his sexuality. Problem is, that he doesn't know, how to use it."
Sexuality is simply to use.
It is contact of two naked bodies. Like cutting a tree with iron axe.
What is needed in sexualty is reciprocity.
And love of course.
If you love you do not hurt.
From my point of view contact of the naked bodies is only 1 or 2 percent of sexuality. I will try to explain.

Sexuality of man is driven by testosteron. It leads young boys to compete, to fight one each other, to create hierarchy. It is important is to learn in this young age, that even fight has rules.

If a young boy understand itself, he will use this sexual drive in real live. He will be motivated by his sexuality to do the best he can do, to fight for his place in the world and in the hierarchy, to obtain a good job and to earn enough money. He will be motivated to find sexually attractive woman, to build a house, to protect his family.

Woman's sexuality is different. Woman is not designed to fight and to build house. I don't say she can't do it. Woman fighting for her children is a very dangerous enemy. But woman has another gift, she has ability to turn house into home.

As a final result, man has its place in the world, he has a nice home, beautiful wife and family. And at the end of it, as one or two percent of all, he has a regular sexual life. He has a sexual satisfaction.

My situation is a little bit complicated. I am a pedophile. Event if I have a wife, event if I have regular sexual life, event if I love my wife and event if we don't have any disorder in our sexual life, my sexual desires can never be fully satisfied. It is not a bug. It is a feature. So I have to suffer and to lie to itself, or I have to find another ways, additional ways, for sexual satisfaction.

I have found a few ways. One of them is writing songs for children. I can't explain it, but if I feel sexual desire or frustration, and if I use this sexual desire as a motivation, writing of song takes the sexual frustration away from me. It may sound strange, but in my case writing a song for children is a process, which is initiated by sexual attraction to children and terminated by sexual satisfaction :D My sexologist told me, that they call it sublimation.

So for me contact of two naked bodies is only 0,95 percent of my sexuality :D
Všichni dospělí byli nejdříve dětmi. Ale málokdo se na to pamatuje.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Malý princ
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Kofola Nizozemi »

Gabriel Svoboda píše:I hope we will get Czexit as soon as possible.

And Poles should join the Indian Union, this is where they are mentally closest to:


Direct link:
Looks like there might be a Czexit soon:


Article is in Dutch (from Belgium).

I could not find anything in cestina or English/German. :[

Edit: here an article in English:
Naposledy upravil(a) Kasz dne sobota 27. 2. 2016, 7:42:58, celkem upraveno 1 x.
Důvod: Please, give hyperlinks between URL tags. Thanks.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Ender »

At the outset, I would like to apologize very esteemed board of the problem that recently I made to you here. And though my mind about other, it decided to come back and settle for your hard and fast rules ;)

Registering paedophiles is a very good idea and one from most real to it of plans in order to punish only what really are guilty of the real tragedy.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Myš »

Ender píše: Registering paedophiles is a very good idea and one from most real to it of plans in order to punish only what really are guilty of the real tragedy.
I can't agree with that. There are people responsible for tragedies in children's lives who are not pedophiles, eventhough media or majority of people unaware and educated about it don't usually know. The name - "registry of pedophiles" is a nonsence on it's own since it can only contain pedophiles who broke a law. I also think that trying to punish people in this manner - to segregate and mark off people who made a mistake, make their life miserable till it's end and limit their options of getting back to normal life is a huge mistake and will only lead to more problem. Targeting, excluding and even attacking past molesters in USA who desperately try to get their lifes back on track is a clear example of problems caused by such a list.
"Life is a waterfall, we're one in the river and one again after the fall
swimming through the void we hear the word
we lose ourselves but we find it all..."
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Ender »

If the paedophile will be caught on for the child abuse, then should enter him in such a special register. But after all sensible paedophile never having a criminal record for rape wilfully he won't add a note to such a list, that is a paedophile. Do you understand now what the thing is stuck in?
Therefore the register is needed for the liquidation of perverts!
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Myš »

If you put someone guilty of rape, child abuse, possesion, distribution or looking for CP to that list, how will it help the society?

We all make mistakes. Then we have to take the consequences, but you cannot punish someone into wellbeing. Is it correct to make the consequences last the whole life even for the ones who did understand the mistake and did change? I don't think so. As I stated earlier, being on list of sex offenders can have such profound negative effect that may prevent enlisted person to be heathy part of society again. That is good neither for the society nor for the the offender.
"Life is a waterfall, we're one in the river and one again after the fall
swimming through the void we hear the word
we lose ourselves but we find it all..."
Kofola Nizozemi
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Kofola Nizozemi »

Ender píše:If the paedophile will be caught on for the child abuse, then should enter him in such a special register. But after all sensible paedophile never having a criminal record for rape wilfully he won't add a note to such a list, that is a paedophile. Do you understand now what the thing is stuck in?
Therefore the register is needed for the liquidation of perverts!
I do not know about Czech law, but in Netherlands one can be arrested and put in prison and get a criminal record for the rest of his or her life, just for having a few nude pictures of children on the beach on his/her pc. For a consensual relationship between a boy of 18 years old and a girl of 15 someone can be put in prison too in Netherlands.
You will never ever get a job any more once convicted for a sexual 'offence'. You have to live with only 20.000 Kc a month (in Holland this is not a lot of money as Netherlands is amazing expensive) and live in a bad neighbourhood (with this money you can not afford a good neighbourhood).

Even voluntary work is impossible. You need to show prove of good behaviour in my country with almost every step you make.

If there will also be a register, your life will be in danger, huge danger. In my country people can be dangerous if they know you like children, even if you did never ever had sex. With a register the chance of being molested, being beaten up, even being killed are huge. The police will not help pedophiles, so if someone beats you up, it is useless to call the cops, if the police know you like children.

People will be killed with this register so no, this is a bad idea.

In Netherlands we already suffer from a lot of violence in society, we do not need more violence.
Kofola Nizozemi
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Kofola Nizozemi »

About the current nazi party in Poland, where people honour Adolf Hitler and the fallen SS-soldiers from nazi-Germany.

I really do not understand what Poland does in the EU. I got sick seeing this video and with me many Dutch are concerned about the status of democracy in Poland.

Right-wing scum, neofascists, nazi's toke over Poland. Disgusting.

We had the nazi's in Holland from 1940-1945. People died, starved from hunger. People where terrorised. Now in the Baltic states, Ukraina, Slovakia and Poland the nazis are back again. It is disgusting. No lesson learned from history obvious.

If I would have Polish nationality I would ask for political asylum somewhere else on this planet, Venezuela or Ecuador and then I would burn my pasport.

By the way: fun thing to know: 'pis' in dutch means urine moč. :D

So the party is shit, therefore the Polish do vote 'pis' moč :D
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Ender »

Myš píše:If you put someone guilty of rape, child abuse, possesion, distribution or looking for CP to that list, how will it help the society?

We all make mistakes. Then we have to take the consequences, but you cannot punish someone into wellbeing. Is it correct to make the consequences last the whole life even for the ones who did understand the mistake and did change? I don't think so. As I stated earlier, being on list of sex offenders can have such profound negative effect that may prevent enlisted person to be heathy part of society again. That is good neither for the society nor for the the offender.
And if someone raped repeatedly?
Kofola Nizozemi
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od Kofola Nizozemi »

Ender píše:
Myš píše:If you put someone guilty of rape, child abuse, possesion, distribution or looking for CP to that list, how will it help the society?

We all make mistakes. Then we have to take the consequences, but you cannot punish someone into wellbeing. Is it correct to make the consequences last the whole life even for the ones who did understand the mistake and did change? I don't think so. As I stated earlier, being on list of sex offenders can have such profound negative effect that may prevent enlisted person to be heathy part of society again. That is good neither for the society nor for the the offender.
And if someone raped repeatedly?
It depends what do you mean with rape? According to law all sexual contacts between minors and adults are concedered rape.
So if a 15 year old girl has a consensual relationship with a 18 year old boy, according to Dutch law this is rape. Only because the girl is not 16 yet.

But if you really mean rape, like in to force someone to have sex with you, then ofcourse that is a terrible thing to do. Unfortenately Dutch law does not distintc between those two cases.

Still I think in a civilised country, a register is not a good idea. If someone is a real danger you give this person therapy. Only in unciviilsed countries like USA, Uganda and Poland and other third world countries a register is active.

I rather stay in the civilised world. Violence is never a good idea and with such a register people will be beaten up on the street.

Rape - sex with force I mean - is terrible, so therefore the state should offer therapy without payment. The state should act against rape ofcourse, but still remain civilised. Uganda, Poland or the USA are not good places to live, I guess everyone will agree on that.
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od H6*7x7y$An »

George Washington jr. píše:Polish minister of justice Patryk Jaki has announced today that Poland is preparing a law on the publicly accesible register of pedophiles.
How can we pressure Poland into rescinding the registry?
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Re: Registry of pedophiles in Poland

Nový příspěvek od H6*7x7y$An »

MR_Xguard píše:By the laws of EU the public registry of this kind is prohibited. They had to leave the EU first.
Gabriel Svoboda píše:They are not public registries, neither they are public in Poland.
These countries may have public registries without telling the EU that they have.

In Germany, if a foreigner has a sex offense from his home country enters the country the police will go to his hotel or apartment and tell the landlord. They will tell everyone in the neighborhood.

So Germany may be pretending to the EU it does not have a public registry but really it does. Other countries may be breaking EU law in the same way.

If the governments break the law, then it is ok for everyone to break other laws. The law either applies to everyone or no one.