The last two posts. Wow. I have more reason than ever to increasingly absolutely hate the UK. The U.S. used to be on the forefront about witch hunts, but the Brits are taking it to a new level, comparable to the Nazis hunting down Jews openly in the streets in WWII. They will apparently stop at nothing.
Then again, it was the Brits that "discovered America" (they were no there first, it was an explorer ("viking") called Leifr Eiríksson). Only while discovering and "settling", they murdered thousands of Native Americans along the way. So yeah, the Brits are peaceful... It seems they have a war on everything that isn't "moral", whatever it may be. Can we please remove the UK from Europe and the EU?
However it seems there are two "camps" in the UK. The first one is those who act like they are Gods and rules over everyone, and then the others are those who disagree and want to go in another direction. They seem to be few, because things get worse all the time in the UK, so from the outside, it seems that people either agree with the bad development, or they are ignorant, oblivious, uneducated or afraid. I don't know.
I would never set my foot in that country though. Even if I was payed a LOT of money.
Sad thing, since the UK are a member of the EU, other countries may follow.
I just want to flip all the madness off and say "we go our way!"