Sorry to start about politics, but one might not be interested in politics, politicians are interested in your and my personal life unfortunately.
I just wonder, just viewed from the point of sexual freedom (not about other freedoms or human rights), how would the world be when the USA is no longer the superpower is once was and another new world order is created where the BRICS countries (Brasil, Russia, India, China and Suid Afrika) or just China is in control?
This scenario is not imaginary as the evil empire the USA (where all the hate towards sexual minorities comes from and the complete paranoia society worldwide, the violence) is about to collapse, like all once mighty empires did in the past (Roman Empire, British empire, the French empire). B)

Then another empire takes over.
The best of course is no empire in control, no power-abuse (as all empires, all states like to abuse power and enslave humans), but for now the most likely scenario is the Peoples Republic of China takes over.
In the west we do not know a lot about China, strange, since they will soon be the new power. Most of us do not speak Mandarin (Chinese), but we speak English the language of the old empire.
How is China in regard to sexual freedoms? They not are crazy screaming Evangelist, they do not scream on television about 'the lord who saved me' after asking for some dollars to be send, in fact religious freedom seems non-existent. That might be a good thing, as religious leader like to discriminate and hate. (By the way, I do believe in God, I just do not believe in organized religion).

So, can we expect a bright a light future?
Bye, bye USA/UK

Ni hao China.

I do not say I agree with everything in Chinese politics, I just want to specify on discrimination of people who can appreciate the beauty of children.

Na schledanou,