DutchNews: Pro-paedophile group to be banned, Dutch supreme

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DutchNews: Pro-paedophile group to be banned, Dutch supreme

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Pro-paedophile group to be banned, Dutch supreme court says

Dutch supreme court ruled that organization Martijn calling for legalizing adult-child sexual activities.

What do you think about that? I don't support legalizing adult-child sexual activities. However, I don't think that groups that calls for legalizing them but don't encourage people to break the law, shouldn't be banned. It should be faced by arguments.

Anyway, I hate that again such group will be seen as a prototype of pedophile group (together with NAMBLA or PIE).
Kofola Nizozemi
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Re: DutchNews: Pro-paedophile group to be banned, Dutch supr

Nový příspěvek od Kofola Nizozemi »

simgiran píše:Pro-paedophile group to be banned, Dutch supreme court says

Dutch supreme court ruled that organization Martijn calling for legalizing adult-child sexual activities.

What do you think about that? I don't support legalizing adult-child sexual activities. However, I don't think that groups that calls for legalizing them but don't encourage people to break the law, shouldn't be banned. It should be faced by arguments.

Anyway, I hate that again such group will be seen as a prototype of pedophile group (together with NAMBLA or PIE).
It is very sad news.

It actually was the only pro-pedofile organisation left in the Netherlands and with a website that I could understand and read (it's great that Czech Republics have CEPEK, but most text are unable to read and Czech language is soo difficult to learn it will take me 250 years to learn it, it is very beautyfull and poetic, but also extremely difficult :'( )

There was a forum connected to it, in dutch and english and people could at least communicate with each other. The forum was gone already years ago. Sometimes when I feel lonely, and I do many times, it's nice to have some - virtual - contact. And in my own language - dutch - so I can fully express myself.

They were saying that anyone should respect and obey the law. Martijn did never promote to break any law.

Just discussion. Now discussion is made illegal as well in Nizozemi. >:(