The article is hysteric as usual, but it shows scans of some interesting proposals from the 1970s.
Child sex activism in the 1970s
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Re: Child sex activism in the 1970s
So they, for example, suggested for sexual activities and law:
A person aged 14 or over should be capable of giving consent.
Where both partners are 10-14 sexual act should not be offence.
Where one person is 10-14, law should presume no conset, unless its demonstrated (proven).
I do not thing thet these recomendantions are realy bad, nor shoud somebody be persecuted for such point of view...
A person aged 14 or over should be capable of giving consent.
Where both partners are 10-14 sexual act should not be offence.
Where one person is 10-14, law should presume no conset, unless its demonstrated (proven).
I do not thing thet these recomendantions are realy bad, nor shoud somebody be persecuted for such point of view...