16-year-old girl facing child porn charges after tweeting naked pictures of HERSELF
A 16-year-old Virginia girl took nude pictures of herself and posted them on Twitter. She is now facing charges of possessing and distributing child pornography. Police say the charge is being pursued due to the 'lewdness' of the images. The girl could face jail time if convicted. Any friends who forwarded the images may also be charged.
Police charged the girl with one felony count of possession, reproduction, distribution, solicitation, and facilitation of child pornography.
‘These child pornography laws were intended to protect children, not to persecute them, and again it seems the criminal justice system, it's a heavy hammer to be using,’ said Christopher Mackie.
Williams-Ortery says the Virginia girl isn't the only one who may be in trouble with the law over the pictures.
16yr-old girl facing CP charges after tweeting herself
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- Výkřik do tmy: Nejvíc mi vadí předsudečné odsouzení - i když jsem neublížil žádnému dítěti, najdou se lidé, co píšou "postavit ke zdi, kulka to vyřeší". Ne, nevyřeší. Pedofilové, kteří nic nespáchali, zažívají celý život zbytečné utrpení jen z důvodu předsudků. To je třeba změnit. Proto vznikl tenhle web.
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16yr-old girl facing CP charges after tweeting herself
Československá pedofilní komunita – již 13 let s Vámi! 

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Re: 16yr-old girl facing CP charges after tweeting herself
The USA is not the country of freedom as many think, but it is a theocracy, a dictatorship, a policestate, with the most people in prison of every nation, even more in percentage as Russia or North Korea or Chili under dictator Pinochet.Kasz píše:16-year-old girl facing child porn charges after tweeting naked pictures of HERSELF
A 16-year-old Virginia girl took nude pictures of herself and posted them on Twitter. She is now facing charges of possessing and distributing child pornography. Police say the charge is being pursued due to the 'lewdness' of the images. The girl could face jail time if convicted. Any friends who forwarded the images may also be charged.
Police charged the girl with one felony count of possession, reproduction, distribution, solicitation, and facilitation of child pornography.
‘These child pornography laws were intended to protect children, not to persecute them, and again it seems the criminal justice system, it's a heavy hammer to be using,’ said Christopher Mackie.
Williams-Ortery says the Virginia girl isn't the only one who may be in trouble with the law over the pictures.
Why many people still love this country, I do not understand. Their retarded laws are now everywhere in Europe as well and also we Europeans suffer a lot because of the USA and their pressure on us to implement retarded laws.
I hated this country since a was a child myself (and I was not pedophile yet ofcourse), I boycot all American products all my life.
Czech Republic still is a nice a civilised country, it would be better if one day Czechs will rule the world and we will all shop at Konzum, drink Kofola and good beer and eat smazeny syr s hranolkem a langos!
- Čestný člen skupiny ČEPEK
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- Výkřik do tmy: Všimli jste si letos, kolik se urodilo jmelí?
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Re: 16yr-old girl facing CP charges after tweeting herself
Sometimes I am afraid we are not able to rule our own countryKofola Nizozemi píše: Czech Republic still is a nice a civilised country, it would be better if one day Czechs will rule the world and we will all shop at Konzum, drink Kofola and good beer and eat smazeny syr s hranolkem a langos!

"Life is a waterfall, we're one in the river and one again after the fall
swimming through the void we hear the word
we lose ourselves but we find it all..."
swimming through the void we hear the word
we lose ourselves but we find it all..."